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hi my laptop got virus but i do not have back disks because my dealer did not provide me the back disks what can i do now and how to format my laptop .
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Hi chityala,
welcome to Club VAIO Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:
Most Vaio's has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been infected then you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.
To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this should start the recovery utility and allow you restore the Sony supplied OS and applications..:smileywink:
Hi chityala,
welcome to Club VAIO Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:
Most Vaio's has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been infected then you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.
To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this should start the recovery utility and allow you restore the Sony supplied OS and applications..:smileywink:
hi.....i need know one thing, how can i divide my hard disk into only one partition am using i need to divide into 3 parts can u give about this .....detailly
What model vaio do you have as the there are different options.? model is Sony EE2 Series 15.5in AMD Laptop..can tell me how can i do...?
The cheapest option is to use Windows 7's inbuilt disk management tool.?
I would recomend you back up and important data just incase something goes wrong..:smileywink:
Click Start, then right click on Computer and select manage.
In the Computer management widow, under storage, click on disk management
Then right click the partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition.
This should allow you to safely resize your C drive without any data loss..
I have found a guide, for Vista, explaining the process which you may find usfull, to view the guide use the following link: Resize a Partition
can u give me details of about partitions.... am trying to expand my C drive but it not working
hi ...
i enble to open my microsoft office can i install my office 2010. all word ,ppt,excel etc.
can u give me details about it ....
my model is Sony EE2 Series 15.5in AMD Laptop