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Frustrated upon on Blu-ray content?

Frustrated upon on Blu-ray content?

Yes Sir, I am,

after spider-man trilogy not working,

the 2 first BR of Pirates of Caribbean are not working on PowerDVD, but more or less ok on WinDVD.

But it take so many time to arrive to "play movie", and in some case the screen involved does not have show the relevant button. :devil:

I think I will stop to buy BR, because I AM FRUSTRATED !


I install the drivers from sony and now everything is ok...

Where did you get driver from SONY ? Vaio update is empty.

This can only be pointing to asingle format, the HDDVD, blue ray seems riddled with bugs and problems.

*** Strange, my latest response has disappeared !?


It may be because of the 'web enabled' features that the newer discs have on them. My PS3 does exactly the same as my FZ21Z in that I pop the disc in and it sits there for about 5 minutes trying to update in the background. Most of the time I drop the network connection and then both systems don't bother to try and update and the movie plays straight away.

On a seperate issue, I have the XBox 360 HD-DVD drive as well and the newer movies that are web enabled on that do exactly the same thing. Some of them will not play at all even, Stardust and Bourne Ultimatum are the two that are giving me the most grief at the moment.

Like everything it will get better, just takes a while for the new technololgies to bed in and for updates to be released to fix the problems. When it does work though it's worth it :slight_smile:

So I tried ...

And WinDVD update failed on trying to locate an WinDVD.MSI that it does not find ... (despite the fact that the file WAS WHERE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE !!!)

So I uninstalled, and made a deep clean of WinDVD.

But, OF COURSE, now, the WinDVD does not want to install because IT'S AN UPDATE

Where can I find the original package of this (Grrr...) program ?

I believe the only way to reinstall the software is to carry out a full System Recovery using the Vaio Recovery Centre. This will reset the Vaio back to factory settings...

Sorry, but I always avoid to do such "full recover" as it's an "easy" ways to solve a problem.

Since I have computers, I always solved problems without such rough procedure. (even if sometimes I was close from throwing out the PC thru the windows, but I always found the clue)

I works in IT, and I can't say to my customers that if something goes wrong, he has to re-install its PC ! (sometimes I say "reboot your PC", that's when I want to have time to finish my coffee )

If a program DOES NOT WORK, let's try to find out what in THIS program is the culprit !?

I remember when I had problem with my docking station, help desk from SONY wanted too I made a full recovery finally, it was an hardware failure

I opened a case at Vaio Support. Their last proposal is to recover WinDVD from the recover partition (I prefer that solution). (For the respect of SONY, I won't mention their previous propositions, but one was already mentioned up here)

But ... guess what ! WinDVD is the only program not present in the list of recoverable programs !tongue.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=tongue|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=tongue.gif!

No I tried


that works pretty well, except for "Pirates of Caribbean" that stay blank.

SO, I paid a lot of money to get this Blu Ray thing,

Listen SONY ! I'm Frustrated !

I have considered to by a PS/3 to watch BR's, but now, honestly, I'm not convinced anymore !

!devil.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=devil|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=devil.gif!

I'm fed up to be the tester of new non finished technologies!devil.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=devil|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=devil.gif!