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graphics card


graphics card

I have a vaio fr315b, on the sony website it says that the graphics card is set to 64 (standard) but it can go to 128. how do you turn up the graphics to 128? thank you



On most Vaios this is automatic. If an application needs more graphics memory it takes it from your available RAM. Unless you have upgraded the RAM, it is unlikely that you have any available memory for the ATI Radeon IGP 345M to use. Your model is shipped with 256MB of RAM - this will all be used when running any modern game or application.

The best thing you can do is to upgrade your RAM to 1024MB - this will allow your graphics chip to use the full 128MB.

However, on some Vaios (and I'm not sure about your model) you have to switch the amount of graphics memory in the BIOS (Press F2 on bootup). I would be surprised if this is the case on your model but best take a look. No point unless you add extra memory though.

Have a look for memory HERE


Hi again,

I've just had a look at your User Manual and you do need to make the change in your BIOS. Have a look here FR315B User Manual - it's a .PDF and will take a while to download.

The full instructions are given on Page 26.

Don't do this without adding extra memory or your Vaio will be left with only 128MB of RAM and Windows and Applications may not run without saving everything (very slowly) to a Pagefile.
