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Hi folks, was wondering if it is possible to change the graphics card in my Vaio FZ21Z as I am sure it is suffering from the Nvidia failure problem. I am in contact with Sony regarding a possible free repair from them as I have argued that they did not notify me either by email or through the Vaio updates that there could be a possible problem with graphics chip/card.The laptop was purchased in March 2008 and although the 4 year ''warranty extension'' has expired they are looking at a free repair. Would changing the card myself be worth it or not? Any ideas on which card I should change to and possible cost?
Thanks for any help,
Hi Dave and welcome.
Unfortunately, you cannot change the graphics card as it is soldered into the motherboard and not economic to replace.
If Sony do a repair, they will completely replace the whole motherboard - which is an expensive repair and not really worth the cost for the user to do themselves as you could probably buy a new notebook for the retail cost of the repair.
If things don't work out with Sony, it is worth investigating a "Reflow" or "Reballing" repair - try Google for details.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the quick reply Blencogo, will see what Sony decide to do. They are to call us back on Monday with a decision.Wife wants me to go for an Apple Mac as she had probs with another Vaio previously.
Thanks again,