
Hard Drive Help

Hi, I recently installed a new 120Gb Hard drive in my sony VAIO PCG-K315b. When i went to install windows etc off the system recovery discs. I got the following problem:

The machine goes fine until a DOS prompt which is called:

ntsd\Sony\Recovery.exe -r

appears which gives the following messages:

Microsoft windows user-mode debugger Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved

CommandLine:\Sony\Recovery.exe -r
Loaded dbghelpextension DLL
The call to LoadLibraryfailed with error 2.
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.
The call to LoadLibraryfailed with error 2.
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.
The call to LoadLibraryfailed with error 2.
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.
The call to LoadLibraryfailed with error 2.
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.

SymbolSearchPath is: ***INVALID***: verify_NT_SYMBOL_PATH setting
Executable search path is:
Modload: 00040000 0040c000 Recovery.exe
Modload: 77f50000 77ff7000 ntdll.dll
Modload: 77e60000 77f46000 D:\i386\sys32\kernel32.dll
Modload: 70a70000 70ad4000 D:\i386\sys32\SHLWAPI.dll
Modload: 77c10000 77c63000 D:\i386\sys32\msvcrt.dll
Modload: 77c70000 77c60000 D:\i386\sys32\GDI32.dll
Modload: 77d40000 77dcc000 D:\i386\sys32\user32.dll
Modload: 77dd0000 77e5d000 D:\i386\sys32\ADVAPI32.dll
Modload: 78000000 78086000 D:\i386\sys32\RPCRT4.dll
Modload: 773d0000 77bc7000 D:\i386\sys32\SHELL32.dll

Break Instruction exception - code 80000003

eax =00241eb4 ebx =7ffdf000 ecx =00000002 edx =77f6eb04 esi =00241eb4
edi =00241f48 eip =77f767cd esp =0012fb38 ebp =0012fc2c
iopl =0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc

cs =0016 ss =0023 ds =0023 es =0023 fs =0036 gs =0000 efl =00000202

***ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for ntdll.dll -
ntdll! DbgBreakPoint:
77f767cd cc int 3

If anyone can help me, even if the answer is n00bish like 'simply re-do your system recovery discs' it would be much appreciated.



If you can make a new recovery set then I'd give it a go.


Better to re-use an old post than re-post.

My windows installation has just become corrupted so i cannot make a new system recovery disk, and the problem (which mysteriously went away last time) with my current disks has re-emerged. Is there anyway i can get hold of a system recovery disk.


Hi Leigen_Zero,

You can buy RDVD's @ Sony VAIO support hotline (only). It might your RDVD's are NOK.


Hi Leigen_Zero,

you will have to contact Vaio-Link to purchase a new set of recovery DVD's. You can find vaio-link contact details HERE