Horizontal mark on sz-series screen

Horizontal mark on sz-series screen

Hi all,

I bought an SZ2XP a few months ago, and today noticed that my screen is developing a horizontal line, on both the bezel and the screen itself, which seemingly originates from the angle between the keyboard and mousepad. For the first few weeks I was protecting the screen with the pink foam protector the unit came with, but on the appearance of a very slight pink area on my screen- presumably dye from said protector, I stopped doing this.

Does anyone have a good solution to prevent my currently faint line becoming a nuisance?




Escalaited with Sony Support.

They should contact you soon


I'm getting this on my Sz2xp too.
The first time it wiped off... it was def the marks of the keys but it was not deep marks and it rubbed off after a bit of cleanng with a lint free cloth

I'm worried it will happen again and this time will dig into the screen

like the thread author, I have started to use the foam protector but its going to wear out and possible colour the screen with it too especially when the lid has been shut after the laptop being on and heated up.


This shouldn't be happening - hopefully they'll look at the issue

I've actually ordered a proper protection pad from Crusher (called 'the slip' if you're interested). But yes, it shouldn't be necessary.

As for Sony actually doing something about this? Well, following my complaints about rattling batteries (within specification apparently) and a couple of other things, I won't be holding my breath- but we'll see.


No contact from Sony as yet..... Issue seems fairly prevalent, another guy I work with has the same issue with his SZ, and I noted the following post on another forum:




I think it is a smear from the finger guck on the spacebar when the screen is closed.

My answer is to attach some foam nubs to the front of the screen that hold it a millimetre or so above the keypad when closed.

Nope, it's definitely permanent scuffing (though a bit of rubbing helps a little, and its a continous line all the way accross the screen.

I've got pad thing now, hopefully it won't get worse.



Sorry to hear this. Mine is definitely a smear from the space bar & it does wipe off. Sounds like a warranty issue to me,

Fortunately I caught it while it was faint- it's only visible if I catch the screen in the light at the moment- though it's worse on my colleagues's (but that's a work PC anyway so he's not as concerned as me). I'm protecting it now so it shouldn't get worse, and I really can't be bothered with persuading Sony it's a Warranty issue, backing up my disks, messing around with sending it back etc etc. Especially as it takes a week or two for them to respond to anything. Maybe I'll ask out of curiosity to see how they respond though......