How to recover Easy Media Creator

How to recover Easy Media Creator

Hi all,
for one reason or another Easy Media Creator is corrupt and does not work anymore. Try as I may I cannot find it on the Vaio recovery center(Hard Drive)or on the recovery disks!!
Does anyone know the name with which the program is listed under? Or where it is? Or if I could download from somewhere?
Thank you and Merry Christmas to all

PS I'm also having problems with the wireless switch utility(software)tried to reinstall but the wireless is greyed out, any link for a donwlaod update?
My Machine is a Vaio vgn-fz21z
Thanks again


Hi ma6378,

Normally you should be able to re-install the program via the Vaio Recovery Center.

Click Start -> All Programs and scroll down to Vaio Recovery Center and launch the program.

In the left hand pane click on Reinstall Programs or Drivers. Click the Start button and on the next window check ‘Skip’ and click Next.

Click Next again and scroll down to Roxio Easy media Creator – check the box and click Next.

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Hi Rich912, thank you for your answer, but that is my problem it is not list it!!!

"Try as I may I cannot find it on the Vaio recovery center(Hard Drive)or on the recovery disks!!"

Could you please try for me if it is on your partition?
Thanks again

Hi ma6378,

Could you please try for me if it is on your partition?

Yes, Roxio Easy media Creator is listed on all of my machines in the procedure that I detailed. However I do not have your model.

There are some programs, such as Win DVD, that require a system recovery to factory defaults but, as far as I am aware, Roxio Easy media Creator is not one of them on any machine that I have encountered.

The executable is located at Program Files -> Common Files -> Roxio Shared -> 10.0 (version dependant) -> Roxio Central136 -> Main -> Roxio Central136.

A factory reset using either your recovery disks or the HDD recovery partition should restore the program, but I appreciate that this will be a major pain.

I assume that you have scanned for malware recently?

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Hi Rich912, thank you very much for your time and help.

1 Checked again and the program is not list it on the recovery partition.

2 The executable is located at Program Files -> Common Files -> Roxio Shared -> 9.0 -> Roxio Central33 -> Main -> Roxio Central33.

3 Would like to avoid a factory reset.

4 Yes, I have done a scan yersterday, clean as a whistle.

Thanks again

Hi ma6378,

I am stumped as to why the program is not listed in the recovery center.

All I can suggest is that you either raise a case with Support (assuming that your machine is in warranty) or purchase a third party burning software – there are also some free ones out there but I have no experience of these...

Chances are that if you do raise a case with Support they will suggest a factory reset :slight_frown:

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Hi Rich912, At one point my recovery partition was corrupted, contact it Sony and the send me the recovery disks. I wasn't happy with it because of issues with system restore, so they reinstate the partition. Since then, about September 2008, I have restarted the machine a couple of times and never had any issues. As the machine is out of warranty I have no other choice but get a third party program or a factory reset. The program is still listed in the Programs and Features/Uninstall or change a program.
Any idea as to where I can get a newer version of the wireless switch utility? The one with the choice of 2.4 and 5.2(?)?
Thanks again for your effort and have a Merry Xmas and a Peaceful New Year :slight_smile:

Update: The program is in:Recovery\data\2007\06\jp_20070613000000000000000000004.
I know there is a way to extract the file but I cannot remember the program name I should be using, I did do it once, but stupidly I reused the dvd-rw that were stored on.

PS How do I upload pictures to be shown in the post?

Hi ma6378,

wasn't happy with it because of issues with system restore, so they reinstate the partition.

I can only assume that the recovery partition was not compete so you may possibly have a comeback on this. However this does not explain why the program is not listed if you run the application from the backup media (from within Windows) as I assume that this was created prior to the initial problem. Or are you using a recovery set that was supplied by Sony?
Any idea as to where I can get a newer version of the wireless switch utility? The one with the choice of 2.4 and 5.2(?)?

Your model supports 802.11a, so in theory you should be able to use the 5 GHz bandwidth. As far as I am aware all wireless switch utilities have the ability to switch between 2.4 and 5 GHz – have you looked at the Advanced settings of Smart Network or Switching Utility in Vaio Control Center – or launch this from the icon in the system tray?
PS How do I upload pictures to be shown in the post?

When creating or replying to a post you will see an option at the bottom of the screen to include a file – check this box before clicking post – this will then take you to a further window where you can browse to the location (on your computer) of the file and select it for attaching...
know there is a way to extract the file but I cannot remember the program name I should be using

Are you refering to Kcap?

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Hi Rich912, like you said before, I think this is one of the programs that one can only reinstall by doing a system recovery because, as I mentioned, I have done a couple of system recovery and all went ok. Also when I had the machine back from Sony, even though it was working, I did a system recovery from the hidden partition to make sure everything was working. I'm not using the recovery set. The reason as to why I had the partition reinstate it was/is that some machines, mine was/is one of them, won't system restore from within windows but it has to be done in safe mode, but if the hidden partition was/is not present there wouldn't been the choice of "repair my computer" in safe mode, which meant a system restore could only be done by the recovery set which meant I had to carry them with me at all the times; not very practical.

Regarding the wireless switch, I have tried to reinstall it 4/5 times now, but with the same result: the choice for the wireless, on/off, is not grayed out it is just not there.

About posting a picture, to be shown within the post with the text, the only entry I can see is at the bottom in the option - I would like to attach a file.

Thank you for your time and help, it is very much appreciated.

About posting a picture, to be shown within the post with the text, the only entry I can see is at the bottom in the option -  I would like to attach a file.

Hi ma6378,

you can attach an image to the bottom of your post by doing the following..

Type your reply in the thread and then click the box next to I would like to attach a file.

Click on reply to post and then in the next window click on the browse button and navigate to the file you wish to attach..

Click once on the file you wish to attach and click the attach file button.


If you want to insert an image within your post then you'll have to upload your image to somewhere like . Once you've uploaded your image, copy the web address of the image from within image shack. Then click on the Image button when typing your reply & paste the link into the box and click OK.