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Insects inside my screen!!


Insects inside my screen!!

Hi all,

During recent warm weather, i found that a couple of thunderbugs had crawled under the screen of my FR415B and died.

Does anyone know of any easy way to remove them without damaging the computer or my warranty?

I have tried shaking and knocking the back of the screen but they seem to be stuck, any suggestions?


everyheard of the song there was an old lady who swallowed a fly??

you could send a sparrow in to eat them, then send a cat in to eat the sparrow then a dog to eat the cat and then as long as you have the dog on a lead it will be all ok :slight_smile:

i sugguest taking it somewhere to an expert and getting them to gently take it appart and remove the little critters

WOW now thats some real issue.... hmmm
I would suggest spraying condensed air but I don't want it to damage the screen.

Best asking Sony what the best step is, I don't want you to go breaking that nice screen.


try DDT:smileygrin:


Hi there Starfinder,

Phew...what a relief! I thought I was the only one who was having this problem. I had 2 bugs crawl into my screen last weekend and both met with a rather grizzly end. I ended up ringing Vaio Link on Monday and explaining this bizarre problem to the technician. After his initial tone (which implied...what the hell is this guy on?) he willingly booked my V505CP for collection and repair. After an amazing 2 day turn around, I had the machine back (in total less that 3 days - delivered on Friday) with a brand new screen on it. So Sony are willing to assist with real bugs and electronic ones under their warranty.

Hope that helps and thanks for sharing this and showing that others are having the same problem.


Hang on, that sounds like a great solution to the 'missing pixels' issue that Sony don't replace screens for :laughing: .

If you've got missing pixels you just have to tempt a couple of bugs into your screen (with beer and nibbles maybe?) and then get Sony to replace the screen..... :wink:



Thanks for your suggestions, i was just about to send in a squadron of sparrows when i read the post about customer support. I will now proceed to contact sony customer support and see what they can do.

I am glad to note that i am not the only person having insect problems.

I would suggest making all insects extict throught the use of nuclear weapons, but that leaves us with the problem of flower pollenation, amongst others.

Maybe i should use my computer inside a hermetically sealed container like in a laboratory and use those cool gloves, oh - how can i change CDs. This requires more thought.


I would suggest making all insects extict throught the use of nuclear weapons, but that leaves us with the problem of flower pollenation, amongst others.

I think ants aren't affected by radiation

(or maybe it's cockroaches.....)

Hehe a capsule for computing? Nah