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Intermittent wireless connection


Intermittent wireless connection


I'd appreciate any advice. I have a new VGN-A195HP which detects and connects to a Belkin F5D6050 wireless network adapter. Both laptop and PC use XP. The problem is that the Vaio keeps dropping the connection, despite the signal being "Excellent". It drops for a few seconds then reconnects. It might go for 10 minutes before it drops or 2 minutes. Very frustrating. A 4 year old XP laptop, with a £15 wireless card never drops the connection. I have the latest Sony wireless driver. I operate it with Safenet VPN client, which I need to use. The 4 year old laptop doesn't use VPN. What's the problem?

Many thanks


Check the settings in your firewall.
Test it without a firewall but for a few mins.


I have a similar problem, also using a Belkin hub, although it seems the problem is at Sonys end. On a USR hub the problem remains the same.

The problem I have is that downloads seem to drop, but uploads carry on working regardless. If I didnt file share I would just think that both had dropped so have a look see if you are the same.

I've heard people say that the wireless cards are the achilles heel of Sony laptops, does anyone know why my download function would freeze up but uploads would be fine? It's starting to give me grey hair.

Just as a quick thought ducanda, check your hub doesn't have a low lease renewal time, I can't remember exactly where in the settings it is sorry, it will be measured in milliseconds. For most people it should be set to zero or 31 thousand or so (the Belkin max)


I could have written Duncanda's post myself with only a few changes to the hardware.
I'm writing this on a VGN-a195EP which is connected wirelessly to a Netgear DG834G. The connection keeps on dropping but in this strange way; a balloon tip appears from the network icon in the task bar telling me that one or more network connections are available if I click on the balloon tip to see what these connections are, a network connetion box appears giving me the choice of connecting to only one connection, guess what ? it's my only existing network connection, and to add insult to injury if I don't click on that connection it drops it.(hope that made scense)
I too have the latest drivers for the laptop and firmware for the Netgear and I have tried disabling the firewall, it still happens. Any help will be great.
Ps. Why will this laptop not recognise my Belkin usb mouse? I have 2 other xp pro machines that do no problem.


hi folks,

i have a though to ya's problem... there is a check option in your network card config that is somewhat called like... "allow windows to suspend device to save power" or something like it... have you checked this... could this be part of the problem????



Good idea, but no luck. Mine is set to Constantly Awake, and is using 100% power.


I'm not reaching for the champagne yet but with Joe B's last posting in mind I checked power management setup in device manager the ethernet card has the sort of setting I think he was refering to. But I checked the Intel wireless 2200bg network connection. I changed the 'Infrastructure band selection' from 802.11g+80211b to 802.11g only, and for the last 2 hours I've be connected uninterupted @ 54 mbps!!!!!!!!(direct-ish line of site)
No I don't know if this will work for all but it seems at the moment, to have given me a stable fast wire less connection.
There is a power management option within the 2200bg but its configuration is beyond my knowledge so I left it set at auto.

VGN-A195EP+Netgear DG834G XP Pro

Good Luck
PPS Why won't my Belkin USB mouse work on this laptop? :smileycry::smileygrin:


Hooray great job Joe. My card unfortunately doesn't have that setting :slight_frown: Give more details about the mouse in a new thread, see what people come up with.



Many thanks for all your advice. Unfortunately none of it seems to work. I did check the settings for the wireless card; "11b/11g mixed environment protection" - set to CTS to self enabled, "IBSS Transmit Power" - set to Max, "Infrastructure Band Selection" - set to 802.11b only (my adapters are 802.11b), "Power Management" - set to Power Mode CAM (Max). Are these correct? I also didn't have XP firewall enabled. Any other suggestions? Think I'll fire off an email to Sony support as well.



Good luck ducanda. Let them know their e-support registration doesn't work.