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i would like to know if it's possible to transfert pictures from the Kodak 6490 to my vaio pocket...
The sony do not found the Kodak, but the last one yes...
HELP please !!!!
First find out that if your Digital camera is a mass storage device or not.
If you use the normal USB mode then your camera is a mass storage device. If you use the PTP USB mode then your Camera is like a TWAIN device (it was recognizes as digicam). I don't if you can change this on a KODAK, with my Cybershot I can do this.
follow the instructions in the vp manual to connect and make sure everything is ok for both devices and then try transfering.
a slight mistake or misorder can alter the result you know;)
I have the same problem with my CANON IXUS 500 and another user ansered he has this problem with the IXUS 700 - It's badly
A seller told me that the Kodak 6490 is a mass storage.
Because I do not need the software to transfer my picture, Windows can do it itself...
So why my VP do not want to recognise my Kodak ???
First read the VP manual carefully, about how to connect a camera to VP.
Second, VP is compatible with MOST of the mass storage cameras, not ALL of them! Sorry, you might be just unlucky!
diablovaio is right you cannot be sure of something like this.
when it gets to computers there is no case of 100%sure my friend there are always many exceptions!
sorry but thats just the way things are!
Yes, I understand.
Exept that when I bought it, in a Sony store, nobody told me that it can have a problem of compatibility...
Do you know if it's possible, by a new firmware, to update the VP ???
Or if it's about to be....
Yep it's possible that the problem with some mass storage cameras be solved in future firmware updates.
But whne is the next one? who knows! They still advertise their October 2004 firmware upgrade of VP in the FIRST PAGE !