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Matshita UJ-820D & VGN A115b


Matshita UJ-820D & VGN A115b

GOT INTO TROUBLES with it? I did. I thought the problem was due to conflict with nero burning (v.5.8) but got the same with nero burning 6.0.2. The got finally able to see the driver again under bios and under win xp... and performed a totally recover of OS. What happened then?

I got to see sometimes the driver under windows, but whenever I plug any USB2 hard drives the problem appears again.. xp assign a letter to the usb hard drive, and my dvd rom assigned letter (F) disappear.. and the dvd disappear from bios and from xp. I tried to fix it, but no way out. Anyone had the same problem with lack of stability with this dvd used by sony for this vaio and matshita drivers?

How did you get through?

thomas - from italy. need asap a solution.. I'm getting crazy with it.


I'm not quite sure I caught your problem there Thomas. If am understanding correctly, Windows is assigning the same letter (F:) to 2 drives? Unusual problem I must say. Anyway best solution is to give the CD drive a letter like Z or something so it can't possibly happen again.
Rather than me writing out the instructions, here they are in MS's own words.

Change A Drive Letter

Update Nero to the latest build too.
If using SP2 get the patch too.


No, maybe I expressed myself the wrong way. The CD/DVD is assigned letter F:, but whenever I plug anything (usb 2.0... shall be the case an external hard drive, shall be my creative muvo 60gb)... the letter F: disappear and drive is not to be seen. I can't deal with it anymore. I've discovered that there are a lot of problem with recognizing the driver of the Matshita UJ-820D around.. I'm not the only one and I've stated other cases for people who had to send it to vaio assistance for troubles related with driver and xp, and would like to get a solution to avoid it to be delivered.

actually, I'm much disappointed with sony and lack of update for this problem around.. seems that beside the great work for design with series A they didn't much with stability....
inverter for monitor flicking
dvd drivers...
low speeded hard disk

and what is worst.. no solution given.


hi thomas,
you're right... man
i'm still waiting for my flickering lcd , engineers said to me that was normal , NORMAL IF AN LCD IS FLICKERING....they are still working and thinking about my situation

we have the same notebook , a vgn-a115b ...why my notebook has got a sony dvdrw and your a panasonic drive ????????

but it's the same notebook !! same series !!!!!

i'm fighting for a solution for my problem... welcome to the fighting club ...

PS: ciao mi dispiace per il tuo dvd e di non esserti stato molto d'aiuto nello scorso post, non capisco come possa essere un panasonic dato che anche sul sito dei drivers dovresti montare il sony DW-U55A , esattamente il modello montato sulla serie A ( che ho provveduto ad aggiornare ) . Potresti tentare chiedendo la sostituzione dato che i driver che sony distribuisce per il nostro modello sono quelli del dvdrw sony e non panasonic...
io sono alla 7a telefonata ed ho intenzione di andare fino in fondo alla questione. Ho acquistato un notebook nuovo e lo voglio sano e perfettamente funzionante, se avessi voluto un giocattolo sicuramente lo avrei pagato almeno un quarto.
Purtroppo anche io ho letto diversi post dove qualche cliente di portatili sony lamenta la mancanza di driver e l'instabilità del matshita . qui ho trovato l'aggiornamento ma non so cosa possa cambiare... ciao !


vorrei comunque sconsigliarti l'aggiornamento ... il link serve solo a capire se esistono dei firmware aggiornati e se potrebbe rappresentare una soluzione


They said a flickering LCD is normal? They are bums.

They said a flickering LCD is normal? They are bums.

A flickering LCD isn't good.


hi boys , this was the vaio-link answer :

"Dear Roberto,
We have forwarded your case to our engineers for investigation. As soon as more information becomes available, you will be notified. "

.. informations ?? what ??? my lcd is flickering !! next days i'll put some videos on a free website showing to everyone the noises !!! ( videos just emailed to vaio link support ) ...they are investigating but my notebook now is here, on my table... flickering and pulsing again......why can't be repaired ? (2 months of life )

an other question about thomas problem : ( the post owner...ehm.. ) why two vaio models with the same name , vgn-a115b have got different dvd-rw model ? why a matshita dvd when on vaio link you'll find sony u55 firmware for that vaio model ? ....i don't understand....

I don't get it either Roberto.
Hopefully they'll take it in and have a look