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that is interesting indeed rbn but i dont understand how it could solve the problems that vp users have with ss 3.0
I didn't mean that this was related with the SS3.0 software problems 😉
I leave this problem for impossible lol ... snif!
By the way... someone here uses realPlayer instead SS?
You need SS installed? is it better?
I don't know anyone who uses RP isntead SS but I've heard it's possible.
Could someone give us some feedback, please?
I tried to use RealPlayer for transfering music, but I failed.
First I selected "Add A New Device" under "Tools" menu of RealPlayer 10.5. It'll open a new page
Then, on the new page, I selected "Sony Network Walkman Player" from a list ( It was the nearest thing to VAIO POCKET!), Then I clicked on install device.
After instalation, I connected my VP to the computer and tried to see if it's possible for RP to recognise it.
I went to "Burn Transfer", under View Toolbar, and I found the following Error :
RealPlayer cannot detect your device storage. See the steps below for instructions and troubleshooting help.
1) Make sure your device is connected.
If your device is not connected, RealPlayer will not be able to read your device. Ensure it is connected and the power is turned on. If your device does not automatically appear, press F5 to refresh.
2) Make sure your storage is inserted
and not in read-only mode.
Some devices require that you insert media into the device in order to transfer and store files. Make sure your media is inserted into your device and it has been properly formatted.
If you have a hard drive storage device that is supported by RealPlayer, make sure the storage is not set to read-only mode.
and look at this :
This plug-in requires OpenMG Jukebox 2.2 to be installed.
Predictable, isnt it? (My VP is not in read-only mode )
Another dissappointment for VP users ! SIGH:smileyrolling_eyes:
unrelated. I loooooove the guitar!
have you got everything needed installed?
maybe it needs the drivers from the vaio-cd or any other programm like open mg that you mentioned.
try everything possible please!
this could make a huge difference to all us vp users!!
Hey, heard you talkin about Rp there, i emailed them a while ago asking them if they could add the VP to their list of devices but no reply yet... RP is so much better than SS (i think its an utter disgrace, its full of bugs and hasnt been thoroughly
tested) but i used to think it would be too difficult for rp to support the VP because of adding album art until i found out yesterday that you can assign art to any song by right clicking and choosing edit clip info. There you c a box with the real logo (if there hasnt been any art assigned to the song already) and guess what? for all of you who have like 35 gig's of music out there, the art automatically came up! and that can only be because i assigned it through SS
PS could some1 email them again... (the more the better )
Yep, it's the best way to send them a big email ( I mean from everyone here ) and ask them for supporting our beloved and forgotten VP!
I checked their list again, they only support SOME of SONY WALKMAN products, and I believe the way that VAIO POCKET works is different from WALKMAN devices, so I can't see a point installing them ! Until they officially support VP, It'd be great !
because of adding album art until i found out yesterday that you can assign art to any song by right clicking and choosing edit clip info. There you c a box with the real logo (if there hasnt been any art assigned to the song already) and guess what? for all of you who have like 35 gig's of music out there, the art automatically came up! and that can only be because i assigned it through SS
PS could some1 email them again... (the more the better )
sorry man thanks for sayin about pressin f10 to assign art automatically but i tried it and it didnt work, could you elaborate on how you can do that..........thankyou