OS: XP Professional SP3
I recently had a nasty virus attack on my computer which disabled basic recovery and restore functions such as Windows restore, Help and Support, VAIO recovery console, Anti Virus Console and made all my USER and SYSTEM folders READ-ONLY. I was unable to do anything on the laptop, so i decided to use recovery media kit.
I booted the System recovery DVD and when recovery cosole came up i chose 'C Drive recovery'
(recommended). After completion, i noticed that NO new OS was installed however, I had a new drive visible in My Computer. When i browsed it tuned out that media kit has deletd my recovery partition and installed windows (NTFS) on it. C drive was untouched. I am devestated as i did not want to destroy my recovery partition and NO WARNING was issued by the system.
Is there any way to restore "recovery partion" from media kit? If so how do i go on about it?
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.