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news update!!!!


news update!!!!

Ladies and Gendlemen...

My Vaio is fixed with a new drive!!!!
I replaced the infamous DW D56A with a new NEC
(model NEC DVD+-RW ND-6650A) with the help of a local technician. The new drive works fine, reads and writes and the problem is solved.

The drive cost 90 euros plus some money for the technician (no charge for me because I am a good customer). Sony wanted 380 euros for the whole procedure.

Anyone in Greece interested about replacing the drive, drop me a letter for information.....


Hello leftys

could you maybe still tell us a bit how you did this?
I know how to change a drive, but i'd still like to read some things about how you opened your vaio up.


Hello leftys

could you maybe still tell us a bit how you did this?
I know how to change a drive, but i'd still like to read some things about how you opened your vaio up.

Actually i wasnot present when the technician operated on my vaio (left him to pull the snake out of the hole.. 😉

He told me later that he unscrew all screws from the back of the laptop, disconnected the keyboard (got loose when some specific screws were out) but he couldnt get rid of the metalic plate below it. So, he made a lever with a screwdriver under it, and pull out the old drive.

The IDE connecter is a fixed back plate, so he just slided in the new one.

Thats all I know... 🙂