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Noisy fan on K315z laptop


Noisy fan on K315z laptop

hi there,

my laptop has increasingly got louder and louder over the period i have owned it and it is to the point where if i put on a film or some music on the laptop, i have to turn it up real loud because the fan is so noisy!

Any solution to this problem? i'm currently using SpeedSwitchXP to control the cpu speed which drops the fan speed a little but its not enough.

Maybe i can buy a replacement fan that is quieter or something?
Please help, driving me nuts!


My god, I'm having exactly the same problem. Hadn't thought much of it because it happened so gradually. But it's getting really unbearable now!

I think I may try to clean the fan out at first - if there's resistance it could cause noise or cause the fan to work harder?

Any ideas? I'd love to replace the fan.

The reason why the fan is louder is because the fans having to do more work, the CPU tempreture and case meters are noticing it's not cooling as well, so it speeds them up, unaware that they're clogged with dust


thanks for your reply.

i am assuming that some dust in there could also be causing it to get hotter, how easy is it to dissasemble the bottom of the laptop so i can clean the inside out..? i took out all the screws on the back, inside the battery lid, and inside under the HDD but it doesnt seem to let the casing come off ?


I don't know how easy it is to disassemble, hopefully someone else has done


Reporting back

Unclipped the keyboard from my VGN S2HP and simple hoovered out the fan from the top. Then from the air vent in the side of the laptop. The fan looked a bit dusty, but I didn't think hooevering would make much difference. I was wrong!

The laptop is back to its lovely quiet self again. It's wonderful, I can hear myself think!

Before you take the laptop apart to get to the fan, try getting a really powerful hoover and sucking air out through the exit vent. It may do the trick!


Though you have to be careful with a hoover due to static electricity


Hi all,

Today i attempted to pull apart my K315z and clean it out - not surprisingly there was some dust on the motherboard, and in the fan area there was a fair bit of build up, which i used a portable keyboard vacuum tool with a soft brush, and dissasembled as much as i could to clean it out.

I also blew through the fan and out the vents and some nice big chunks of dust came out too.hehehe

Anyway, to cut to the chase, im also running a temperature monitoring tool and i'm proud to say the fan noise has dropped very much, and it is running approximately 5-10degrees cooler too, approximately (cpu: 57, hdd: 37)degrees!

The case was a littly tricky to take apart, as sony likes to use plastics that clip together but once u get the hang of it, its all pretty easy, about 15-20screws in total.

If anyone wants info on how to take the k-series apart, i can give you some guidelines to make your life easier.. dissasembly and cleaning out the fan and board area is highly recommendable if you want a quiet K-series!


Can i take a guideline to disassamble my laptop.:smileycry:



i have the same problem on my K315s - a guide at getting to the fan would be great Milcev.
I took as many screws out as i could, and tried cleaning as much as i could, but the unit is still hot and loud.

my dell at work is silent and cool and probably cost half as much notebook!