Share your experience!
I have a PCG-GRS515M Sony VAIO notebook and I have had it for 2 or 3 years now.
Last Summer during the heat waves in London my laptop started overheating and shutting down. I thought this would be normal and nothing was wrong with it. By October time occasionally when I press the On button the on light would come on but the screen would just stay blank.
Now it can take up to 3-6 hours for it to switch on.
I need a solution to this or if anyone can identify the problem.
Also another problem. When I access the Internet, after about 10 minutes the screen will just freeze meaning I have to turn it off and wait 1 hour or more for it to cool down and turn it back on.
I really would appreciate any help to try fix this instead of buying a new computer.
The first thing I would do is clean the fans on the computer. You can try blowing these clear with a can of compressed air (Air duster). The best way to do this is to remove the top cover if you feel confident, although you may get an acceptable result by just blasting the air through the fan vent cover.
Your computer may have been damaged if it has been allowed to overheat over a long period of time and your only option to get it running properly will be a professional repair.