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PCG-GRT796SP display problem


PCG-GRT796SP display problem

The display on my PCG-GRT796SP has just stopped working. If I plug in an external monitor I see a normal view, so the graphics card seems OK. If I toggle the monitor output (Fn F7) I get a brief flash in the notebook's screen showing the proper view but it's pale and has an overall pink cast, and then it goes blank again. Device Manager reports that the monitor is working OK. Any ideas? My notebook is just under two years old. Never had it open, but am prepared to fiddle inside if anyone has advice about places to poke it...



Sounds like the dreaded GR inverter problem. This is that the inverter which displays the output to the LCD has failed. Shouldn't have died in two years though!

The only way to repair this is by opening it up, I have no idea how but there are guides (somebody will know).

You could look through the Yellow Pages for a repair centre if you don't feel confident.