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Hi1 this is tapjor and my second query?
on the same subject excuse me if i `ve in wrong place
need help understsanding a sudden chasnging on my router(bt 2000)of the primary and secondary ip addresses in dns.I`m constantly having to configure and apply new addresses.anyone come across this ? :smileyrolling_eyes:
You normally change router settings by logging into the admin area for the router on address
Thanks Kee lo
but I am gaining access to the router admin but for no reason that is obvious the dns addresses keep changing and upsetting the system web access.
Make sure you have it on sticky rather than dynamic.
ok sticky/dynamic not sure of meaning
but thanks anyway! kee lo
i`ll try bt bradband again,once manually set i dont expect to see such a config of funni 01000111000011100
try, there are some knowledgable people there who know about routers and DNS.
Sticky = IP is fixed
Dynamic = IP changes every logon.
Thanks for that link kee lo!
getting sorted soon hopefully.
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donating time and intelligence is appreciated.