PCV-9913 system recovery


PCV-9913 system recovery

Hi guys

I have formated my vaio pcv-9913 but do not have system disk. I thought I had one spare but can't find it. The problem I now have is that the computer is now looking for drivers and a system that is now not on the disk as it has been wiped. I can't back up to a previous system restore image as there is none all I have is a windows 7 disk which I was going to install in place of my xp system. Can anyone help please.




Can you please check you Vaio model - you are quoting the chassis type which is shared by several models.  I think you have a PCV-W** series all-in-one computer.

These Vaio's came with a Vaio Software and Recovery Disc and if you wish to reinstall Windows XP, you will need to buy a replacement disc from Vaio Support.

If you have your own licensed copy of XP, you can download the drivers from the support page for your model - this is the support page for the PCV-W2C: -


Sony only support XP on your model - there are NO drivers available for Windows 7.  If you want to try to install Windows 7, you are going to have to find all the drivers yourself one at a time - this model is designed for use with XP and works best with XP.
