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I have got a very big problem with my pocket media player please help me!!!!!!!!!!
My vaio Pocket (vgf ap1L) has a problem, I will start a music and then nothing goes after that. I only can course with my mouse but I couldn't open any orders, musik and so on. He showed that he works. I have wait 10 minutes (He should load a smart music and i want to hear it) and then i want to shut off it. I push the tape and the monitor (bildschirm) said that the pocket Media Player is shutting down I wait 10 minutes, too .Then i reset it but that isn' normal please helpme!!!
When you have more question to that please send a mail to:
Ich habe ein großes Problem mit meinem Pocket:
wenn ich ein lied höre und ich schalte um,auf ein anders, fängt er manchmal an das lied zu laden, aber es wird nie fertig (hab mal 10 min. gewartet) ich kann den Curser noch bewegen aber MEnüs aufrufen geht nimmer. Wenn ich ausschalte kommt der Schwarze bildschirm und sagt das übliche. Der Pocket schaltet sich aber auch nimmer aus. ist das bei euch auch so? BRAUCHE BITTE HILFE!!! ach ja er zeigt an das gearbeitet wird und man kann nichts mehr hören vom vorriegen lied war bei mir an meinen 2. tag wo ich ihn habe schon das 3. mal!!!
bitte helfen
wenn mehr fragen bitte mail an:
Argh, I'm sorry but I can't really make out what the problem is exactly.
Does it play music ? Does the interface work ? Did you manage to transfer musics through Sonic Stage ?
When that problem occures, then it doesn't play music
sometimes when i change the music it sometimes crashes.
WHEN YOU CAN HELP, then help!!
which frimeware you have ? try to update it or reinstall it, i think that will help to know if it's an operating system problem or a hardware problem in the hard disk.
Yes i have the new update for my pocket (F 3.0) but there is a nother problem now too and it say that is in the order Robbie Williams 31 songs but actually only 12! what can i do
? sometimes are there more so prolems when I search after man(they sing songs) 😞 like Franke Senatra then it say that there are 1 song in the order but actually there is no song how I can hear!!!! HE$LP PLEASE HELP!!
Sorry tomino, I don't understand your message !!
do you speak french ?
I have send it back now sorry i don't speak french i want to buy me a nother! thx for you helps cya!