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RAID 0 Error Message


RAID 0 Error Message

I turned my VGN-AR21S on yesterday and found the following error message in the system tray

A drive in a RAID 0 volume is failing. Try to backup data immediately.

I know what this means but I don't know
1. Is it a hardware or a software fault.
2. What o I do to cure this problem.

Meanwhile everything seems to be working OK?

All advice greatfully accepted!


Hi Meld51,

If it is any consolation, you are not alone. A handful of other AR-Series users have had this problem and it has been reported to Sony.

I would contact Sony Support direct as I know they are investigating this message.



I have raised this as an issue and have a job number.

One thing worries me. The nice man on the end of the phone suggests that this issue is a software issue that can be solved by following knowledgebase article no V00252. However, that article is about configuring your RAID array...not about curing this fault. Following the article requires me to return the machine back to its factory configuration. Before I start on that onerous task does anyone else think it is a software issue.

I don't want to go through all this and find the error message is still there!

Any thoughts?

I doubt if anyone will know! We are all in virgin territory here.

Have Sony only indicated that this may solve the problem or have they actually asked you to do it?

The few others with this problem have failed to find any errors at all and is seems to be a reporting error because RAID Volumes don't usually show SMART errors. Have a read here: -

This chap has actually turned off RAID and booted from a CD Bootdisc so he can run the drive diagnostics - which failed to find any errors.

Sorry I can't help further.



Thanks for your posting Blencogo,
That might be very useful actually. I'll take a look and I'll post my outcome as it resolves.

VAIO-Link seem to think it's a SMART problem and they're picking up units with this issue.


What do you mean by a SMART problem?

When a drive develops a problem a SMART error is thrown up. RAID doesn't have this, so it says there's a problem with the RAID array.


I'm still not convinced that there is anything wrong at all so I have decided not to go through the nausea of a complete reinstallation right now. Instead I will make sure that my backups are up to date.

I will keep the job number open.

I'm not really all that sure what the benefit of a RAID 0 is. Sure I know that it is supposed to access files faster, but for that you pay by having half the reliability.

Right now I have loads of open issues with SONY and with Toshiba (who are even less responsive than SONY by the way). WHen all the various messes are under control then I might reconfigure this VAIO to separate (non RAID)drives and see if there is a noticeable difference.

That's a lot of work though and I have too much to do right now.

I'm still not convinced that there is anything wrong at all

This is what I asked VAIO-Link, because I am certain it's software errors rather than hardware, specially as it passes the hard drive tests.

We'll see what they say.