Reduced CPU due to power manger?


Reduced CPU due to power manger?

Hello world
I've got (obviously) a VAIO laptop and i have all the updates both of sony and microsoft for winxp home.
The problem is that the ventilator doesn´t see to work that hard anymore , even when i'm not using the battery. It's as if like it's stuck there saving me energy i don't want to save.
This has a side effect (besides the good thing that there is no noise). My CPU and Bus speed are reduced (depending on the temperature).
What i wanted to ask (in order to save myself from yet another format) is if anyone has a clue on how to program the sony power manager. I´ve seen all the ini files and stuff like that but i don't have a clue and neither much time to understand how it is written.
I have a small experience with some programming languages, so i'll just need the rough lines to figure out the rest.
Thanks a lot to everyone



I hope all goes well and I would advise sorting the problem sooner rather than later.. :wink:


Hi there,
Well i tried it and now things are better, even though up to some point there is still a problem, like when running new games (Mark of chaos, nwn2, etc), the temperature still goes up till 100 something, but the fan functions better, and the usual temperature right now is around 67ºC.