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Sony Guarantees Are Worthless


Sony Guarantees Are Worthless

I recently bought one of the prestigious and hyped Sony Vaio LA desktop range which arrived with a dead pixel near the centre of the screen.

(See pic here:

Astonishingly Sony refuses to honour its guarantee concerning this serious manufacturing defect. When I asked to see which clause they are relying on to dodge liability and asked for this decision to be referred up to a manager, my support account was deleted in an attempt to silence this legitimate consumer complaint.

How long before Sony silence me here too by deleting this post and my forum account? (assuming of course that Sony won't do the decent thing here either and make a public response).


Hi camelchops,

All manufacturers have a policy (ISO 13406-2) which actually considers four or five dead pixels to be within standard. Sony is not alone in this policy and unfortunately, you will not get a replacement. Sony will not respond here either - this is a User Forum.

I believe this the biggest cause for dispute immediately post purchase for most manufacturers.

I, like you, disagree strongly with this policy - which is made worse because no attempt is made to advise you of this until they have taken your money.

I do not have statistics like the manufacturers of how much a "Pixel Perfect" guarantee would add to the price of a PC - but I personally believe all manufacturers are going to have to revise this policy as soon as one or two of them break this cartel and offer the customers what they demand - zero faulty pixels.

Sony's Pixel Policy is in Section 7 of the Terms of your Guarantee and you can find specific details for your model here: -

Looks like ELEVEN stuck pixels are acceptable on your LA2 !!!!!!!


If Samsung can do this, an established LCD/Plasma maker then why can Sony not do it? Crazy!