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Hello, i bought Sony Vaio VPC-EH3S6E last month and about 2 weeks ago my wifi crash.When i turn on my notebook, it do not show me my wifi, an if it does, it have only 1 or 2 point of signal and i cant connect, even when i am at school or in public, i cant connect to any wifi conection. And when i finaly connect, it is so slow and it unconect me again. and also "Intel my wifi" is showing a problem - adapter not found. What can i do? there any posibility to fix it? i tried to reinstal Atheros driver, and i tried to reinstal intel my wifi, it doest help, any advice? Thank you.
If it's saying "adapter cannot be found", most possibly it means that the motherboard did not detect your wireless adapter(hardware).
Was this unit dropped by any chance? I would completely isolate the issue at this point and rule out the software issue. I would reload the OS(files backed up). If still the same, then most prolly it's a harware issue. Contact tech support and check your warranty.
No,it says "adapter not found"...and if i connect once, it is connected till i move my laptop, than it just disconnect, i dont know where is the problem. i also tried to instal Atheros version 10 exept of 9.2 i had, but it didnt help at all.
Ok, i uninstaled all the network programs (even from the device manager) and i install "preinstaled driver" for my notebook from here and i turn off "allow to turn of the device to save power" in both wireless conections. It works just fine (for now), it connects immediately from the start and sighal is about 3 points, but there is still a problem with Intel My wifi - "adapter not found" can somebody help?