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My fan seems to be so loud and is on all the time, is there any reason why this is happening and is there any solution? It has become really distracting and annoying and I would be grateful for any help ? Thank you...
Modern powerful notebooks generate much more heat than older models. In order to protect the components, increased cooling is required and consequently the fan seems to run continuously.
Recent failures to graphics chips have been heat related and so most manufacturers are applying increased cooling.
However, something like noise is very subjective and some people seem to be more sensitive to fan noise than others. If the noise is really loud and bothering you, then contact Vaio Support and talk it through with them. There is nothing you can do as a user to change fan speeds.
Hi, you have put part of your answer in your q -its on all the time, so it will get hot the fan is trying to cool down which is the noise. I set my vaio to go into sleep mode after 5mins of not using or put in sleep mode yourself even if its only for ten mins to cool down. You could get a can of compressed air and attach a straw into the end of it, when laptop is off and cold spray into the vents including the one on the side. If your sitting with the laptop on your lap they do get hot this way so try and position it so your not blocking the fan underneath.
If you goggle the make of yours and overheating there is some help on how to unscrew and put a drop of oil in the overhead but I have never done this, and its not a good idea if your vaio is still under warranty. Or you could take it back to the shop and ask their advice, how long is it before fan gets noisy is it straight away or several hours later? Sorry for the rambling, hope that helps
Thank you for replying Blencogo. Your right noise is subjective, I have just noticed it a lot recently and it is still under warranty. Even those around me have commented on how loud it is. I will do as you suggest and talk with Support.
Message was edited by: geholla67
Message was edited by: geholla67
Thank you for replying, Vampire-Girl it did help. I have never tried to put it into sleep mode so will try that. It seems to get noisy after only a short time from turning it on and has only just become noticeable, there are times when its ok. So I expect a good idea is to have a word with support to see if there is anything wrong.
Message was edited by: geholla67
I am having the same problem with noise level.
I have raised this issue with Vaio Support Centre and they emailed a link to a page regarding light noise when running on battery and advised how to download a BIOS update which would allow powersaving to be disabled.
Not at all appropriate, as the fan is noisy most of the time, whether running on battery or mains, and is particularly noisy when running video.
Mine is so bad at times that I can leave it switched on downstairs in the lounge with the TV on, and still hear it from my bedroom upstairs!
I have asked them to reconsider their response.
Will post an update when I have one
I was just reading through this old post and was wondering has anyone had any luck with the fan issue.
I have a vpcf12moe model, i7 processor and the fan is becoming unbareable and is on constantly. at the moment i am working in a small space with another person and the noise from the fan is almost emabaressing at this stage so any help anyone has would be much appreciated