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Two machines


Two machines

I have my PC at home, which I have used for transferring all the music across... and I have my PC at work, which I want to use with my VP once in a while as well. But of course I can't because the tracks didn't originate from that machine.

I've heard it's possible to permit this somewhere, somehow... but I don't know how. I can't even log in to Connect from my work machine - says this account is not authorised for this machine.

Anybody managed to do this successfully???? If so, how?!?!?


All this "nannying" really p!sses me off a little bit. Just let me do what I want with it


Nobody else use more than one PC???

:thinking: :thinking:


Are You admin of that work's PC?




If you have your music on the harddisc of your computer at home in mp3 or similar universal non-DRM format you can use the VP as a USB harddisc and transfer them this way.

Using ATRAC this will not work. The reason for this is that you need a fixed computer-VaioPocket relationship for digital rights management purposes and to keep things reasonably straightforward. If you could use the VP on two computers and put tracks on it with them, you would as a logical consequence only be able to remove the tracks with the computer you used to put them on the VP.


Hmmm, thanks Stephanius.... guess I will have to live with it that way.

I thought I read somewhere that it was possible to authorise additional machines, but I can't it anyway. Shame eh. It's not too much of a pain... just I like to edit mistakes in the filing when I notice them - which is usually at work....


I do use my laptop at home and my laptop in the office with VP. Both with SS 3.1. I did it a few months ago.

What you have to do is:

In your computer at home , the one you use with the VP, open Sonic stage and go to Tools -> Update Music Service Authorization info. Register with a email adress and password. If I remember correctly, you can select to allow 5 computers to work with your VP.

Then, in the office, install SS (if it's possible, the same version) and then go to the same option. Access with the same user and password. Then, you can access to the VP. If not, when you go back home, go to the same option. over there, you'll see a new request to use your VP from a remote computer (the office one). click allow and that's it.

Then you should


Thanks RubenBCN... but I don't have that menu in my SS3.1... under tools or anywhere else... :slight_frown:


I don't kn ow what to say... I see the option under Tools also if the VP is not connected to the PC. It's always there.... sorry, mate 😞


Ah... I found something in help (RTFM... doh!) which explains how to do this... will try it at home tonight and see if it lets me.

Cheers for the help :cool: