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Upgrade option unavailable in Vista Express Upgrade?


Upgrade option unavailable in Vista Express Upgrade?

Hi there!

I've been looking high and low for a solution to the following problem:
I've decided to check out the Vista upgrade on my VGN-FE31M. However, the upgrade option is unavailable in Vista Express Upgrade setup?! Setup says "Couldn't perform the upgrade compatibility check. An upgrade cannot be performed on this computer" (Note: translated freely from German!).

I'd downloaded the MS Upgrade Advisor and it ran through just fine. Only minor issues with the Sony utilities were reported. Just as expected.

I've looked on the Internet for the "upgrade option unavailable" problem, but found only stuff that obviously doesn't apply (yes, my system partition's NTFS and yes, my XP MCE version is elligible for upgrading to Vista).

I've over 40 Gb of free space on my system partition and the general line-up is as originally shipped by Sony.

Has any of you ever had this problem or even remembered to check the upgrade option before doing a clean install? I know a clean install is recommended, but surely this doesn't mean upgrading isn't possible at all?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



The upgrade period is now over, so you'd not be able to get it for £20 shipping like Moduslink used to do.

Your best bet is to buy Windows Vista Home Premium Upgrade (OEM if you can), you'll pay a lot less than retail.