Share your experience!
Hi anwoola,
E-mail contact is only an option if you are still within the warranty period; otherwise you will need to use the out of warranty telephone number. From the UK the number is 0905 0310006 (fixed rate £0.35/min).
For all contact options click the ‘Support’ tab at the top of the forum page and select ‘Get in Touch’.
Hi anwaala,
Check the support site for an update. You haven’t stated your model so cannot provide a link.
Hi Rich my model number is: VPCEB1E0E/WI
I have looked for an update but there isnt and ive tried reinstalling the software but the same problem persists, and this the fisrt error message which appears after ive loaded up my laptop..
Hi anwoola,
There does appear to be a Vaio Care update available for your model (VAIO Care - Have you installed this?
Click the following link and expand Latest Downloads – Windows 7.
yes i already have this update, it was working fine till yesterday.
one the error messages which appears is.
Mircosoft. NET framework
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue,
the application will ignore the error and attempt to continue. if you click quite,
the application will close immediatley.
There was no endpoint listening at
net.pipe://localhost/VAIOCare/VcAgentVCsettingMgr that could
accept the message. This is offten caused by a incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Hi anwoola,
As Vaio Care has been working there is a possibility that a recent windows update, possibly a Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, has caused the problem.
Check the Windows Update history log for updates that took place around the time that this problem started. Did any of these updates fail to install correctly?
I assume that you have tried a recovery to a date prior to the problem starting?
You may have gotten an error. Try to restore your system to an earlier time and see if that will resolve your problem.
i have done a system restore which seems to have fixed the problem.
The only problem now is Vaio Update isnt working at all and i have installed the lateset version which shows in installed programs, Everytime i go to use update it says theres and update and i need to install it before i can use vaio update grrr.
I'm afraid that this is an old chestnut that Support have assured us has been fixed - seems not!
Have a read through the following thread.
i have tried this but it makes no still exactley the same do u have an email address for vaio support at all m8?