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VAIO Notebook Monitor Frame - Heating up !


VAIO Notebook Monitor Frame - Heating up !

I have VAIO VPC EB1E1R. One of my favorite Notebooks. Recently, I noticed that Monitor frame ( exact location is at middle bottom where SONY brand exists) is heating up. May be, 5 or more degree Celsius than the other area of monitor. I found Sony VAIO has monitor frame heating up problem in some series and is offering volunteer repair in US. My notebook is on sale since Feb 2010. Why does it happen to relatively brand new series? Is it needed to be repaired at Service Center or can I use it as it is? I am going back to homeland soon. I don't have enough time to be in long waiting list of Service Center. :slight_frown:

Don't hesitate to give me advices.
Thank you all.

(I did a manual check for Monitor frame heating up at Media Markt's show room. Among about 20 Models of VAIO, I found one of them has the same problem.)


Welcome to Club Vaio KoNOK,

If I understood correctly, you brought your laptop from US, Am I correct ?

If this info is correct, it will be necessary to be in touch with the US support service from Sony to solve your case.

The Sony laptop's from US and Europe are different, that's means just in the US they can fix this issue regarding the monitor frame heating up problem (If evidenced...)

Hi KoNOK and welcome.

I would speak to Vaio After-Sales Support and see what they say: -

I cannot find any official announcement on the US website about this issue.

From what you say it sounds like the position of the Inverter - I would expect the inverter to generate some heat and 5 degrees does not sound unreasonable to me.



Hello itbroker & Blencogo,

Thank you for kind advices.
(Sorry for my poor English)

For monitor frame heating up problem, I did googling a lot. Before writing the very first post here, I couldn't recall my memory correctly about when and for which series with frame heating up problem SONY voluntarily offered repair .

As Blencogo wrote,"I cannot find any official announcement on the US website about this issue.",I did googling again. Blencogo is right, the announcement was made sometimes in 2008. No current issue! (Anyhow, I will contact VAIO support team) :smileygrin:

I bought my VAIO in Russia. 5 or more 'C heating on inverter is no serious issue in Russia. But it is in my homeland, where surrounding temperature reaches about 40 'C in summer. I won't be able to babysit my VAIO in air-conditioned room all the times.

I know I should buy VAIO models available for my homeland's region. But I bought it when and where I need it. If I selected a popular brand, other than VAOI, with Int'l Guarantee, it would be relatively worry-free time. But, I didn't have such chance because I like VAIO much. [:">]
