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Vaio VGN-CS21S/W USB wireless mouse not working in win 7 32 bit.

Vaio VGN-CS21S/W USB wireless mouse not working in win 7 32 bit.


I have Vaio VGN-CS21S/W Laptop which was pre-installed win Vista(o/s which I didn't like..) I Managed to keep it for 2 years.Latter i changed to windows 7 professional 32 bit operating system.I bought new Logitech Wireless mouse(M505) and keybord kit MK605.It was working perfectly fine more then a year and somehow it stopped functionig.

I did certian steps to find out the problem.

-first i thought the batteries would be drained but those were perfectly fine.

-I checked both K/B & Mouse on my office laptop so they are perfectly fine, in working state.

-I did fresh reinstall of windows 7 prof. 32 bit O/S.But it didn't solve my problem.

-I tried drivers for windows vista from sony site(Since there is no USB drivers available for windows-7, no option but to use win-vista drivers).But it didn't help.

-Then i tried with all kind of USB drivers but still it didn't work.

-I checked on lot many blogs but still i can't find the right drivers/solution for the problem.

If anybody in the forum had this kind of problem in the past and has succeded resolving.pls. do drop me an email or blog on this forum with your solution.It would be really helpful.Since i don't see any other alternative but to go back to win-vista or preferably win-xp(Which i doubt will resolve my wireless Mouse issue).



Sanjay Sule

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