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hi i am new here and i was wondering if anyone could help me
i have just formatted my pcg-61611m (vpcee2m1e)
i used windows 7 64bit ultimate edition
all is working except for wifi, i saw on device manager that i need ethernet controller driver so i searched on support and found realtek ethernet driver, installed it and the driver is ok but still wifi is not working.
is there anything i need to fix this?
i also installed vaio care and other stuffs, but still wifi is not working, it was working before i formatted my laptop, i just have a lot of viruses in it so i decided to format it. bad thing is i didn't make recovery cd in the first place because i thought that i could easily find drivers for it when i want it.
Hi eivelice,
Have you installed the WLAN driver and Vaio Smart Network utility from here?
yes sir, i have, i don't know what is it that i am missing, i installed almost everything, all is working except for wifi.
when i turn the switch for wifi, no response at all. no light for the wifi
i tried using an external wifi antenna on usb, it worked, but the internal wifi is not working anymore.,
Assumming that you have enabled WLAN in Vaio Smart Network I am not sure what is the problem.
If you haven't formatted the hidden HDD recovery partition you can return your notebook to factory settings using the Vaio Recovery Utility.
To check whether the hidden partition is intact open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management. At the front of Disk 0 you should see a EISA configured partition of approx. 10 to 12 GB - this will be the recovery partition.
To start the recovery utility tap F10 at boot before you see the Vaio logo. This will format the hard drive and reinstall the OS plus all drivers, utilities and pre-installed software. You will of course lose all personal data.
my vaio was given to me 2nd hand, and i did.t see the recovery partition, so i guess i cannot find the recovery anymore, can i get a full recovery copy from other laptops?
Did you check that WLAN is enabled in Vaio Smart Network?
If the recovery partition has been deleted and you want to recover your notebook to factory settings you will need to purchase a set of recovery disks from Support.
Call the out of warranty telephone number 0905 0310006 (Fixed: 0.35£/min) – have your serial number to hand.