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Hi SamerDubai
As you vaio is getting very hot, this could be caused by a build up of dust etc, check the air vents are clear and try moving the internal dust by gently spraying with compressed air..
If using the compressed air does not help I would contact Vaio-Link as soon as possible..:smileywink:
It may be wise to turn on the Power Managment as this may temporarily help to keep your laptop cooler..
Also you may wish to download MobileMeter, if you've not done so already
Clean up your Drive by burning your saved files to DVD,free up space.Remove any unused Programmes sat idle.64c is still too hot,my desktop only runs at 45-46c and thats a very powerful system.If you have an M CPU or Duo Core,it should be much lower than what you are seeing.The Vaio I use hardly gets warm when I am using it,and thats for 3+ hours at a time.You have a cooling problem somewhere in your sytem.
You could use Acronis TrueImage to back up the entire hard disk, but if you say you're having problems with XP this wouldn't help.
What may help though is a transparent "upgrade" installation.
This DOES carry a few risks so a complete backup is advised. What this does however, is use the WINNT32.EXE file (in English thats the Windows XP Setup Tool) to expand known working files from your i386 folder on your hard drive, into the Windows System folders.
Here's how you do it.
1. Click Start > Run
2. Type in C:\Windows\i386\WINNT32.EXE
3. Ignore any errors about NETMAP.INF or NETUPG.INF - this applies to XP Professional only.
4. Select the Upgrade option or the Reinstall option (sorry I don't know what the German equivalents are! [:">] )
This process takes about one hour to complete, dependant on many factors.
IF however, you have Service Pack 2 installed already, and your computer came pre-installed with Service Pack 1, you may wish to slipstream these Windows XP Setup files with Service Pack 2 (in other words upgrade the setup files to SP2).
This is handy to prevent having to install Service Pack 2 after you have re-installed Windows.
The instructions for slip-streaming can be found on my website forum >> HERE
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