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VAIO Z Series Battery Issues

VAIO Z Series Battery Issues

I have a Z21C5E and I'm experiencing a couple of problems with it.

1. I had a TT before this and loved it. Mainly because of it's amazing battery life which due, in part, to the software which allowed me to change what was on and off. I know Windows has it's own power settings but these are limited and less useful compared with the VAIO Control Centre that was on my TT. Also, when I change the power state in my Zeries Control Centre and then go and check the Windows power setting, the Windows power setting has not changed!! So I may think I'm extending my battery life but I'm not.

2. As I say, the Control Centre is very limited. I am unable to change power/battery life settings via Control Centre and was wondering if there is an upgrade to the control centre that I am missing?

I have attached some images so you can see what I have to work with.

This is frustrating as I have a brilliant laptop with the capability of lasting 7 hours about as thing stands I struggle to make it last two. Any help much appreicated.
