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VGN-FE41Z / Vista / Stopping My Club Vaio from starting when windows starts.


VGN-FE41Z / Vista / Stopping My Club Vaio from starting when windows starts.


I have a really annoying problem that I cannot seem to stop. Sony's "My Club Vaio" software keeps loading when Windows starts up, and I find it really annoying. Does anyone know how this programme is called? I cannot find it anywhere in the startup menu / startup services / windows registry. It's almost like the programme is loading by magic!


Hi the Vister,

Welcome to Club vaio, :slight_smile:

Have you checked if myclubvaio.exe is in Start > All Programs > Startup.. :thinking:


Try downloading Sysinternals AutoRuns as this lists every process ever made, Hopefully with this you maybe able to find the CV Startup string :wink:


Hi Thalamus,

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, it isn't in the start->all programs->startup, either in my name or for all users.

It starts up about five minutes after all the other programs have started.



I ran AutoRuns, and I cannot any string that calls C:\ProgramData\Sony\MyClubVaio\MyClubVaio.exe

Do you know if it is possible to do a clean install with the new Vista machines?



I ran AutoRuns, and I cannot any string that calls C:\ProgramData\Sony\MyClubVaio\MyClubVaio.exe

Do you know if it is possible to do a clean install with the new Vista machines?

I would wait untill you install Vista as sony has not released support yet & the drivers you will need may not be available, I say this because alot of people have jumped into upgrading & installing VISTA right away. The driver support will be here within the weeks of Feb so i would hold on.

As for the start up check in add or remove programs Start > Run > appwiz.cpl & see if you have VOR or VPS within the listing / check to see if there command line is set to run at boot up do this by Start > Run > msconfig :wink:


Do you know if it is possible to do a clean install with the new Vista machines?

It states in the stats that your FE41Z came with Vista pre-installed, if this is the case and the procedure is the same as with XP, Goto start > All programs > Vaio Recovery Tool > Vaio Recovery Utility and follow the instructions to recover your vaio.. :slight_smile:


I would wait untill you install Vista as sony has not released support yet & the drivers you will need may not be available, I say this because alot of people have jumped into upgrading & installing VISTA right away. The driver support will be here within the weeks of Feb so i would hold on.

As for the start up check in add or remove programs Start > Run > appwiz.cpl & see if you have VOR or VPS within the listing / check to see if there command line is set to run at boot up do this by Start > Run > msconfig

Hi Resonate,

This is a new machine from the Spring 2007 Vista series -- it comes with Vista pre-loaded, so I don't have much of a choice. It's a great machine, and almost everything seems to work well, but I just find it annoying that I cannot have a clean system without all the extra resource-hungry stuff that's added on by Sony!

Almost all other software can be disabled / prevented from booting. I just can't seem to find out which programme calls My Club Vaio! Perhaps it is some other Vaio service that is starting it?


Then scrap that as sony will already have the drivers available for that model [:">]

Almost all other software can be disabled / prevented from booting. I just can't seem to find out which programme calls My Club Vaio! Perhaps it is some other Vaio service that is starting it?

Hi thevinster

I have escalated this to Vaio-Link for you, hopefully they can offer a solution... :thinking: