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VGN-FE41Z / Vista / Stopping My Club Vaio from starting when windows starts.


VGN-FE41Z / Vista / Stopping My Club Vaio from starting when windows starts.


I have a really annoying problem that I cannot seem to stop. Sony's "My Club Vaio" software keeps loading when Windows starts up, and I find it really annoying. Does anyone know how this programme is called? I cannot find it anywhere in the startup menu / startup services / windows registry. It's almost like the programme is loading by magic!


Hi thevinster

I have escalated this to Vaio-Link for you, hopefully they can offer a solution... :thinking:

Hi Thalamus,

Thanks very much! My own suspicion is that we're still in the early stages of Vista, and these must be some small teething problems along the way. In fact, there isn't even a link on the drivers page for my Sony Vaio model (FE41Z), so I guess it's so new that they're only beginning to put up resources online.

Hopefully Vaio-Link will come up with something :slight_smile:

Thanks very much for your help, I really appreciate it!

You're welcome thevinster, let us know the outcome please as Vidman is having a similar problem.. :slight_smile:


Hi, I have the exact same problem on my new FE41E, which had vista pre-installed. It comes up every time I log in, and would really like to diable it. It just shows a blank scrren on my laptop. Could you plz let me know what sony say when they reply??

I've asked Vaio link again for a solution.. :angry:

Have you tried

Start -> All Programs -> Right-click 'Startup' -> Explore All Users

Explorer should open in the Startup pane - if not select Startup in the left pane.

What programs are shown to run in the right hand pane?

If you see something like My Club Vaio.exe - try deleting it.


Nice idea Blencogo.. :slight_smile:

It does seem strange why the My Club Vaio application is Auto-starting and why it's only become an issue on the new Vista models.. :thinking:


To be Honest guys i didn't ever think it was supposed to Run at start up the only Apps i was awere of that run at start up was the Product Registration, Some Question & settings thing & VAIO Update, To which they were set from factory stste to do this :thinking:

It does seem strange why the My Club Vaio application is Auto-starting and why it's only become an issue on the new Vista models.

I suspect Nico's marketing team have been at work.

I suppose everyone has tried the obvious:

Start -> Internet -> IE Starts

In the Address box type about:blank (or whatever you want your Homepage to be)

Click on the down arrow next to the little house (Home) on the Command Bar and choose "Use this web page as your only Homepage" -> Yes and close the browser window.

On the quick launch toolbar click on Launch Internet Explorer. It should start up with your new Homepage.

:wink: :thinking:

To be Honest guys i didn't ever think it was supposed to Run at start up the only Apps i was awere of that run at start up was the Product Registration, Some Question & settings thing & VAIO Update, To which they were set from factory stste to do this  :thinking: 

No I agree I doubt My Club Vaio.exe is supposed to run at startup, to be honest I've never found the application much use, but it must be annoying having it popup every time you start your vaio...


Hi Blencogo,

Neither of your suggestions helped stop it from loading. Myclubvaio.exe is not in the startup folder for all users as well. I've also changed the internet explorer default page to blank, it still doesn't help.

Here is my suspicion: The Vaio Event Service Platform or the Vaio Entertainment Services Platform seems to be calling it. Could this be possible? Basically, Myclubvaio.exe starts immediately after both of these start, and I know this because I set my firewall to deny everything until I gave permission, and noticed that mycluvaio.exe started very soon after both those services started.

I could be wrong though!

Just to summarize the problem till now:

1) Myclubvaio.exe loads without any way for us to stop it from loading.
2) There is no trace in the registry, startup folders, startup scripts, or anywhere else that we can find.