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I have recently added 512MB of memory to my VGN-S3HP to take it to the max of 1GB.
(Acceptable for Vista)
My current understanding is that this is a limitation perhaps set in the bios and I will be unable for example to put two new 1GB memory cards into the internal & external banks to take it to 2GB of RAM?
Does anyone already know if its possible to install more memory as it seems silly to be restricted to 1GB when we could if needed go even higher?
I am comfortable about removing the keyboard to replace the second memory card, but wonder if this is the real reason why a max of 1Gb is implied is the support for my model?
Hi MikeL,
According to the S3HP will accept a maximum of 1GB per slot.
It may pay you to either call them or email to get confirmation.
Thanks Rich912
I had already seen a similar web site which implied that 1GB per slot could be fitted, but the information was not as clear as the web page you pointed me too. Thanks again.
I thought I should have risked purchasing a 1GB card rather than 512Mb, taking my Laptop to 1.5Gb instantly and easily, with the option to max out at 2Gb.
Think I still may have time to return the 512Gb and purchase a 1GB. :smileyblush:
Think I still may have time to return the 512Gb and purchase a 1GB.
Can you please confirm what the outcome of this was as I am now facing the same dilema.
I put in a 2gb RAM module under the computer, it did recognise it but it frequently crashes (with the original 512mb under the keyboard).
As per the crucial web site, it says 1gb in each module will work. Can you please confirm what you did and whether it works?