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VGN-TX1HP . . . Key problems - DVD & Eject, screen brightness & volume all not working


VGN-TX1HP . . . Key problems - DVD & Eject, screen brightness & volume all not working

Hi guys,

I've seen this problem discussed before, but relating to different models. The fix seemed to be to install (1) SonyUtils DLL, (2) Sony Shared Library and (3) Vaio Event Service in that order.

I have downloaded the files relevant to the VGN-TX1HP, but can't relate the many files within the downloaded ZIPs to the instructions above.

Can anyone give guidance on how to get my keys working again? I guess the ultimate solution is to do a system restore, but I would rather not go down that route if I can avoid it.

It would be interesting to know what might have caused the problem in the first place. I assume it might have been the installation of a software package, but can't tie it down to anything specific myself.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Hi Steve and welcome to Club Vaio.

If you have downloaded the Utilities for your model (, right-click on the downloaded .ZIP file and choose "Extract All". Choose to extract the Utilitiy files to a folder you can find easily.

You will see that you have Utils Installers 1 to 11 plus a few named Utilities (Instant Mode, Wireless LAN Starter and WSSU). To find out what the numbered Installers are, open the Utils Installer folder and double click on "Setup.ini" - this will give you the name of the utility.

You need to run the Setup.EXE file in Utils Installers 1, 2, 4 and 5.

However, I see there are updates for Sony Utilities and Vaio Event Service here: -




Thanks for that - spot on :slight_smile:

I now have all my keys working again, though I did have to go through the installation process about four times in the end.

Thanks again; your help is much appreciated.
