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Sony Vaio Fe21VGNS. Worked great until yesterday but got a slight problem...
My volume control facility has been *lost* . My sound card is working as when the computer boots up , the sound appears. As soon as windows loads then it goes and for the few brief seconds I can get volume control - sound plays back absolutely fine. The following symptoms occur either via the buttons or the onscreen slider volume.
The 'Volume' visual comes up on the screen and I can adjust it but it rapidly and without any prompting goes back to zero. This volume visual also appears randomly on the screen upon key / mouse presses.
I've located one potential answer but it says that it is specific to windows 2000 and I can't find the specific registry line indicated in the solution suggested.
Any ideas, anyone?
Hi Hands and welcome to Club Vaio.
Are you using any third party audio programs such as Winamp or Media Player plugins that load at startup? If so make sure that the volume control for this/these applications are not set to zero.
I had a similar problem. Took me 2 months to realise that the volume on Winamp was turned down low. :smileyd_oh:
Not winamp (installed uninstalled installed) ... I'm trying to track it down - any more suggestions?
BTW How do you view the start menu - I mean the programs that are loaded at the start....
BTW How do you view the start menu - I mean the programs that are loaded at the start....
Thanks - still working on it - ahh it is vewry irritating!
Turn all your Volumes to Zero,go in Control Panel,Sound/Audio.Turn all sliders to zero,then turn them up full.make sure the Speakers are set right and Sys Volume is on full.Save settings and exit to desktop.Then use the Volume Buttons to Control the Sound Output.
Thanks for the tip.
It worked for about thirty miniutes and the situation returned to the normal it has been for the past week. *sigh*
Tried to repeat it but the slider volume continues to return to zero on its own - whatever setting I put it on.
I'm wondering whether it has to do with the hot key / function keys on the keyboard - as I'm typing this the volume visual is flashing on and off my screen.
I'm wondering whether it has to do with the hot key / function keys on the keyboard - as I'm typing this the volume visual is flashing on and off my screen.