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What about win brd for vaio?


What about win brd for vaio?

I updated my blu ray player on my VGN AR11S, and it just wouldn't let me play blu ray discs on my projector !! So now I'm in a fix, and in need of the original Win brd for Vaio that was bundled with my laptop. Anybody knows where to download it?


Hi Milebo,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately Win DVD BD is not available for download, have you tried a system restore to a point before you installed the update.?

Click Here for a guide on using System Restore.


Yes, I did. To no availo : win brd is no longer present. Plain shocking that I can't get hold of it, having paid for it. I nervous about the fact (for all to hear) that after the bl..d update, I could watch blu ray tolerably well, with shakes on some. After the udpdate Dec 21, 2007, I could only wathc brd on the Vaio (no shakes) but could no way watch the films on my projector any more. That state of affairs is not going to get blu ray providers any credit. I just have 2 of those discs, and am certainly not going any further with my collection.

What problems are you having with your projector.?

You could purchase something like cyberlink BD or recover your Vaio back the default settings by using the Vaio recovery discs..


Recovery not covered!
I did what I should long have done : burn the 2 recovery discs. The Win brd for Vaio application is missing there. This is not fair at all. Sony should have warned the customers, or not marketed this machine with blu ray reading capacity. What am I to do now, buy a PS3??
Thanks for your help anyway, I'll have a look at your second option.
Second warning : Power dvd comes very short of playing blu ray : only in exotic compter res, not 1080i at all, and says nothing about hdmi link. Another hoax.


Pb solved!
It might be of interest to some other people to know how. Here it is : 1st step is to to go back to a recovery point slightly ahead of the day that blast.. upadate came along. 2nd step : you can apparently reinstall the update (which is 182 megbystes, because it contains in fact everything)
So I'm back to square 1 : unable to play a video out of the comptuter. I'll tell you what : I gonna film my screen and make a good sound no-frills copy for personal, use. Hd discs are getting on my nerves immensely. This technique is not bad at all, ... and you can resell the original idscs!!!