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What is maximum processor speed for pcv-rx201


What is maximum processor speed for pcv-rx201

What is maximum processor speed for pcv-rx201 and what is invloved in changing it



AMD CPU's are usually Socket A, which means virtually any AMD processor will fit, including the fast Athlon XP and the cheaper Duron models, depending on the capacity of your motherboard. As for the speed of the current CPU, check your user manual or look for a program on your Start menu, usually found in Accessories, called 'VAIO System Information'. This program will give you basic information about your computer.

Overclocking is a risky business, and I personally wouldn't do it unless you have substantial cooling. However, most CPU's can be overclocked by 100-200mhz.


Look out for differnet bus speeds though, as a 200MHz CPU will not work in a 266MHz designed system board

AMD has a load of different CPUs out there right now so best to find out from your manual or from Sony waht the capacity of your motherboard is first!
Rememeber - these are custom made boards, so the upgarde paths may have been restricted somewhat.

Yeah you can bet Sony have stopped upgrades :slight_frown:
Those new Barton CPUs look pretty good, but AMD haven't reached 3Ghz like Intel yet.


True, but I still prefer the AMDs to the Intels, mainly due to price, but in a lot of apps they still out perform the Intels.
But I guess thats how they are designed, speedy in some application areas, and a bit slower in other - good way of keeping the competition going.
I'm looking forward to some MP CPUs from AMD (namely the Opteron) - wanna see that in action before I build some servers using those.

But at the same time, Intel are'nt too bad either. They need to do something about their pricing though, cuz thats one area that AMD can kill them !!
Can you imagine Intel & AMD at the same price (performance wise not speed wise) - the choices consumers could have

I wish a third party would come in and sweep them all out. Someone that can take the best parts of the 2 CPU makers and combine them to make a nice CPU.

Yeah a dream :tongue: