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Windows 7 Upgrade Email


Windows 7 Upgrade Email

Morning all...

I've only ever received one email confirming my eligibility for the Windows 7 Upgrade on 16 July 2009. Nothing since...

When the upgrade link was announced, I tried and can get all the way through to entering my payment details but I'm then receiving the message that "An upgrade has already been allocated to this serial number" with no further options.

Anyone else had a similar problem? Is it that because I pre-registered when I bought my VAIO on 15 July 2009 & I'm in the queue waiting for Sony to get round to me and cannot "order" now? (as that would effectivly be me ordering twice) or is it something more sinister? :devil:

I know there will be inevitable delays in the early stages but curious to know if others have had the same problem as me...or should I just remain patient until Sony get round to me?

Thanks for reading this far... :wink:


Hi Drewsterbooster and welcome to Club Vaio.

I saw your other post first - it is possible that it has accepted your order - look in your junk mail folder.

If not, hopefully someone who has been successful will share the telephone number on the confirmation email with you.

If all else fails you can check your Credit Card balance and you can contact Vaio Support tomorrow.

Fingers crossed!



Thanks Blencogo... Junk Mail folder is a negative... and I know my credit card won't have charged. The website did have a problem the first time I entered my details but before I could enter my payment details. I think that must be why the order is showing as allocated...I think I'll need VAIO support to clear that first before I can do anything... thanks for your help :slight_smile: