Share your experience!
Hello everybody,
After installing the latest update of "Sony Utilities" and "Intel Wireless LAN Driver" from our update site I'm having problem with "Wireless Switch Utility" which when computer starts "caused a problem and needs to close"...
If anybody knows what to do, let me know please...
Thanks a lot
My vaio: A417M (RAM upgraded to 2GB)
Hi, I and a few others on the forum have the same problem. I updated the WLan a few months ago the first time it happened and got no joy from Vaio Support then recently as it came up as an Vaio Update, thought I would try again to see if by this time they had sorted the compatibility problem and they have not. Have restored my Vaio to the time before the update and now awaiting news yet again from Vaio Support. So far they have come up with exactly what I have done, so I don't think they have resolved the problem yet. I really need to update that driver as I know there are security vulnerabilites with my present one. Will watch your thread & if I hear anything that will help will post!
I wait, I hope!
You can try going to intel website and update ypur driver from there.. thats what i did,, and it works fine :smileygrin:
Yes thanks, I already did this a few months ago when the driver came out. The WLan works fine but the issue is the Wireless Switch Setting Utility. Version:3.1 as it is not compatible with the new driver and therefore I loose the utility in being able to quick switch between WLan and Bluetooth or either have one of or both on at any time, which is extremely important for my everyday use as all my office equipment is bluetooth including printer (to name but one)! Without this utility the bluetooth is always on and I operate by wireless means. If you are the same and have a solution for this problem "I kiss your feet" as I have not found anyone yet who has resolved this problem when updating their WLan driver, including Vaio Support! Very appreceiative and desparate for any firm help in this!
I wait, I hope!
Additional Information: Vaio Control closes also!
Hi VaioWoman1
i'm Lothar Peters from Cologne/Germany. I have the same Problem and i gess.... after all what i experienced with the "Vaio Support Team" ... i#M surching for help too. I ssaw, that "Koymik" in his Mail suggested to go to the intel Homepage, to look for the right driver. I whould do that a few day's ago. But in the last moment i saw a note (warning). They said, that her drivers maybe can solve problems, because they are (in our case) not from sony. The drivers could be different to the original drivers from sony. Maybe sony changed them. Anyway. The drivers from our Notbooks are a OEM-Version. So i didn't use them.
But. I have to ask koymik about it. Maybe it whorks. if not........
I have a big big problem to recover anything whats on my Notebook VGN-A517M..... But.. maybe YOU have a found something to help ME with our problem
PS. one year ago, sony-support told me, that bluetooth and
(you can reed about it in the instructions (pdf))
Wlan can not function properly if they are whorking at the same time (together) because (at least in MY notebook) is 2,4 ghz and not 5,4. If it was 5,4 ghz Wlan, it wasn't a problem at all, because it's a big difference between 5, 4 and 2,4 ghz.
But i HAVE 2,4 ghz. So it could be a problem. Maybe one of them does not whork properly. Anyway. I tried to uninstall everything, what's got to do with bluetooth. Everything. Drivers, everything. But bluetooth is still runnig. (at least the blue control LED is on) Vaio-Support is here in germany as bad as in your country
maybe YOU can help ME
greatings from Cologne
Lothar Peters
0049 178 8992789
Hi. Lothar from Cologne
you said, that you installed the driver from Intel? ..........
They sey, that it could solve problems, because it's not the driver from sony. At least MY notebook is a OEM. (your's too?)
And they say, maybe sony changed the drivers for one options.
And i recognised, that the driver from Intel is a lot bigger than the driver from sony is. Intel's driver is about 45 MB and sony's is about 25 MB.....
If you can help me. I will bee pleased. And i whrite annything of my experience here in the forum.
Greatings from Cologne
Lothar Peters
0049 178 8992789
You can try going to intel website and update ypur driver from there.. thats what i did,, and it works fine :smileygrin:
Hi meinkatz, I am no expert but it was a few months ago that Vaio Update website advised all to go to Intel to update the WLan driver and gave a link to the page. I have just checked and that same advise is still on the right hand side of your VAIO update: "Latest Updates" and scroll down the list. This was when our original drivers were said to have a security vulnerability.
That was the first time I tried the update and found problems with the Wireless Switch Setting Utility as it would not appear in my system tray. I was in touch with VAIO Support for 2 months and they could not resolve the problem and some replies were totally stupid. In the end I did recover my Laptop which in hind sight I could have most easily just have restored it to an earlier date. When eventually this month an update appeared on my personal VAIO update for:
Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG or Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Adapter Driver Version (for Windows XP), file INDWLL-01035420-UN.exe
I had hoped they had resolved the problem of compatability with the Switch Utilty and was most annoyed they had not and am presently in communication with VAIO Support as I am determined that they do something about it.
In order for me to use the Switcher I had to restore my laptop to the time just before the installation of the driver update and it is working perfectly fine. Of course this does not resolve the security problem with our present drivers and I intend to get it sorted with Sony!
As for my Bluetooth I have never had a problem using Bluetooth & Wireless Connections both at the same time although the documentation suggests there could be a problem.
I use both - alot every day and use Skype phone(Internet), mobile phone(Bluetooth), printer (Bluetooth) and surf all at same time all day long. I have only lost Skype connection once for a couple of seconds. I have been doing this for over a year now! All my bluetooth equipments are passkey enabled and all connections firewalled. My Bluetooth and Wirless are both the same as yours.
If you do not want to recover your Laptop I would restore to an earlier time when it was best working for you. As soon as I ever get a resolution from "support" I will add it to this post so that anyone else who has this problem will see it! Maybe you will get sorted out before I do and if you do - please post here. I hope I have helped you a little bit but must state that I am no expert but am sure if you restore to just before you installed the new driver you should be back to normal! Best of Luck!
I Wait, I Hope! :smileyrolling_eyes:
I forgot to mention that if you cannot see the folders that you wish to re-install you can Recover Utilites but the restore option would be alot quicker and easier!
Click Start->All Programs->VAIO Recovery TOOL->VAIO Recovery Utility
Select options at the bottom
Select the create support folder options - Follow on screen instructions.
You will then have new folders on your laptop which should include the utility package. The its a case of My Computer, C Drive and you will have to search the folders for the exe's you wish to re-install!
Hello VaoiWoman1
my problem is, i don't have a recovery Partition anymore, because i killed it one year ago. I had big problems after all my Recoveries 12 or 13.... :smileygrin:
I had a E-Mail Worm on my system. But after i recognised it and restored everything... i found out, that i had trouble with one of the original updates on vaio-update. sony told me, to update EVERYTHING after recovery... ...some day i stoped with updating from vaio-update and.... everything was allright. Sony told me, it can't be one of there drivers....
Anyway. It was free of truble.
Sins than, i can only recover from my Recovery-CD's.
I overwrite every Cluster on C and D with a 0.... yep
That actually wasn't a problem. Untill now :smileygrin:
And there is annother fakt: i can not go back to an earlier restore point becuse i delete everything in the Restore Partition. I set the Restore for C and D OF. :smileygrin:
I did that, because i was afraight to have a virus in my restore.
That my trouble came from the update... i do no right now :smileygrin:
anyway. i'll waite and see..... -->
--> :smileygrin:
Hi again, you can still get all what you had before by going to and then putting in your model etc and all what you need will be there, for you to install what you wish from the original files! This should definitley get you back on track.
If you are worried about a virus still being on your laptop I would switch off system restore run antivirus check and if nothing shows up I beleive you will then be in the clear, but if you do this you must remember to turn it on again.
Turning off System Restore: Click start, right click My Computer, Properties, System Restore Tab, under this a check the box, Turn off System Restore on all drives.OK
You can get a free Virus Cleaner from:
which will check for loads and repair for you at same time and quite afew other downloadable virus solutions too if you look, it may be very handy for you! This solved major headaches for a pal of mine.
I hope this helps you and I state again I am no expert!
Best regards!
I wait, I hope!