Share your experience!
Hello everybody,
After installing the latest update of "Sony Utilities" and "Intel Wireless LAN Driver" from our update site I'm having problem with "Wireless Switch Utility" which when computer starts "caused a problem and needs to close"...
If anybody knows what to do, let me know please...
Thanks a lot
My vaio: A417M (RAM upgraded to 2GB)
dear VaioWoman1
(do you have a name?.. mine is Lothar:-)
I no how to work with the restore options and i tried many times to reinstall all the drivers from vaio update. Nothing changed. After installing the malcius intel driver (420 at the end) i had the same problem as you have. Both is on Bluetiooth and Wlan. And, so as we all no now, could that be problematic. The point is: after using this critical critical-security-driver from Intel :smileygrin:
(Intel?... hm i think, this driver is modified from Sony like all the other drivers!)
I think , our problem is at one specifical point because i saw after installing the defect driver, that my system is telling me that my actual driver is 417 ! SO: what did that update change?
while i was installing the driver 420, setup told me that everything is OK and everything is installed.
But when i look into the system, is there the driver 417.
Every time, when i updated drivers from vaio-update,
i went back to the site for control. There i can see status of installation. Downloaded or Downloaded and Installed.
This time, i saw that he is telling me that i downloaded the driver 420, but he is not installed. Anyway. Installed Not installed. The 420 is the one ho damaged my system.. And i CAN'T CHANGE him. It's allways the 417. Just like before installing the 420.........
My main-problem is: Does this situation some day some time damage a down- or upload or not? i don't no....
The only thing i no is: Bluetooth and Wlan at the same time can interupd correct working because in our case they have booth the same frecuency 2,4 ghz.
i hope, that sony do something for us in the future....
phone: +49 178 8992789
fax: +49 721 151538152
I have just received a message that Vaio Support will be in touch with me regarding this problem and so my hopes are great at the moment and will let you know as soon as!!!! Oh and by the way Lothar my name is Anna with a big HI! :smileygrin:
I Wait, With Big Hope!
I would like to confirm that I have exactly the same problem ( that you described) with the new WLAN driver.
My VAIO is the VGN-A417M
I am very interested if you have any answer from Sony support.
You can try going to intel website and update ypur driver from there.. thats what i did,, and it works fine :smileygrin:
many thanks for this information koymik!
i don't no, what kind of VGN-A517M you have. If it is the same as i have, than it must be a OEM with Sony-specialised drivers!
i installed both of them. (for wLan 2200bg)
And it crashed!
i'm happy to be here again, because i reinstalled everything and the situation is the same like before
so... it's like we in germany say:
"Und ewig grüßt das Murmeltier"
a film with James Belushi.
He is living in the same day, over and over again... :smileygrin:
so.... i have to go to an advocate. I don't like to reinstall/recover my complete system![]()
i hope, that someone here can help us, so that we don't have to live like the god old James....
Hi meima, I have not heard anything yet but it usually takes a while anyway - but as soon as - I will let you know here! I will add this though, when first in July they advised to download the new driver the install instructions were totally different to what they are showing now. Part of the instructions then was to disable Wireless Switch Setting Utility before installing new driver and they stated for those with Bluetooth that the Switch may not work! This time they do not mention anything at all about the Utility and for the record have wiped off the original install instructions from "Latest Hot Updates" list! So this to me does not look good!
I still wait, I still hope!!
Hello koymik, I am most excited now!
Can I ask you - are you saying that both the new WLan driver is working in conjunction with your Wireless Switch Setting Utility? Actually both together with no problems of connection bluetooth at same time???? :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin:
If the answer is yes, which way did you install exactly, please.
Breathlessly in Hope, now!!
Hello koymik, I am most excited now!![]()
Can I ask you - are you saying that both the new WLan driver is working in conjunction with your Wireless Switch Setting Utility? Actually both together with no problems of connection bluetooth at same time???? :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin:
If the answer is yes, which way did you install exactly, please.
Breathlessly in Hope, now!!
Well!! Everything sorted now by Sony Update!! Check it out!
Hi there, Thanks for responding! Today an odd thing happened - I got 2 automatic VAIO updates: Wireless Lan Starter and Wireless Switch Utility and let it install, and all is working fine. I checked the driver and was confused to see Intel Driver 03/12/2004 which I am sure is an even older version than the previous one I had. I really don't know what they are doing and now don't know if I am supposed to update the driver in the hope that after this update the new driver may work. I might just have to try it if I don't get the reply from VAIO Support that I am expecting.
If you would like to check your driver version go to:
Start, right click, My Computer, Properties, Hardware Tab, Device Manager, click + Network Adapters, right click Intel(R) PRO/ Wireless 220BG Network Connection, Properties, Driver Tab and all your details there.
Out of interest can you let me know what you have? :smileygrin:
I Wait, I Hope! :smileygrin:
Sony has provided on their updating site a new version of Wireless LAN Starter and Wireless switch utility.
I have installed theses updates and everything is working fine now.
Fo your information: my driver version before and after this last bug correction is
When I did the update from the sony site, the first time, it has uninstalled the old programs, then I have rebooted my PC and finallay I did another update which has installed the new software versions.
I hope that it will help you and I think that our issue is definetly resolved.