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After I installed the VN-CX1 mouse I can not any more adjust volume with Fn+F3 and Fn+F4. I can adjust the volume by opening the mouse and scroll it - not very handy. Is there any solution for this?
Hi Paaa,
Welcome to Club Vaio,
Have you checked the Sound and Audio Device settings as they may be set to USB audio device instead of your onboard sound chip..
To check your sound goto Start > Control Panel > Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices > Sound & Audio devices..
A new window should open, select the Sounds tab and check that the scheme is set to windows default and then select the Audio tab and ensure that Sound Playback is set to your Vaio's sound chip..
Can you still hear sound from your vaio's speakers..:smileyconfused:
Strange, I have the a VN-CX1 too. But not that problem at my VAIO.:smileyconfused:
Hello, thanks for your reply.
Everything is set just like you wrote.
Fn+F3 or Fn+F4 still brings the volume indicator to display and it's even moving, but nothing happens to volume... until I un-plug VN-CX1: then everything works just fine.
Thalamus, to your last question, I can hear sound from VAIO's speakers. The only problem is that Fn+3 and Fn+4 don't have any influence to volume level when VN-CX1 is plugged in.
Hi paaa,
I had a problem with the sound, was listening to my MP3's and I could only hear sound if I opened the VN-CX1 mouse....:smileyconfused:
I solved the problem as detailed in my previous post..
I am able to change the master volume by the using either the VN-CX1 mouse wheel or the FN keys..:smileythinking: