Hi All,
First time post so pls go gentle :smileygrin:
I've very recently purchased an XL201 from Micro Anvika at a baaargain price
and I am very happy with it functionality connecting to my Samsung 32R73BX (at 720P) . The thing is I've got Vista Ultimate and upgraded this weekend, I was good and did my homework 1st and created the system restore DVD's, applied the firmware upgrade to the video card, downloaded all the latest drivers from the Sony site... top stuff...
Installed Vista 1st time no hiccups, amd very usable even with only 1GB of memory (already eyeing up 2GB on Crucial for less than £100) Aero interface v.sexy... Media Centre even more sexy ... BUT... and there is a but... everything worked fine apart from DVD playback which would only playback Video but no Audio
also the Nvidia drivers were dross compared to the XP ones (the XP ones have numerous setting to let me run at 720P/1080i under scan and over scan whereas Vista only let me change resolution as a standard monitor)
I tried numerous codecs... K-Codec .. Vista Codec Pack etc. etc. but nothing would fix it...so I ended up using the resotre disks and Im back to XP, which is great but not as sexy
Has anyone else tried upgrading with any success... answers on a postcard pls.