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ECM-MS907 Condenser microphone - Please help


ECM-MS907 Condenser microphone - Please help

Hi everyone,

I'm having a few issues with an ECM-MS907 microphone and I've read it's the same issue some other people have had on other forums.  Unfortunately there are no helpful answers.


My issue is this, I have tried recording but the sound is extremely quiet on both 90 and 120 degrees

As you may know the ECM-MS907 takes an AA battery.  The one I am using is good quality and brand new.  I'm recording directly to a PC or laptop through either the mic or line in input (I've tried both to no avail) using the 3.5m jack attached to the mic.  I am using audacity recording software to capture the sound.  I have also used windows sound recorder.  I know it is possible to increase the microphone boost in the windows sound options but this increases noise dramatically.  I have made sure all other microphone gain options are at maximum.

On another post there was mention of a pre amp.  I assumed as it takes a battery that this would not be needed.  Any help with this would be warmly welcomed as I am trying to record a discussion podcast and without this mic working at a significant level I will not be able to proceed.

Many thanks!  :slight_smile:


Now I'm not an expert, but I don't think the battery is there to increase the volume - it's there to increase the quality of the sound. Anyway, I never had any problems with my ECM-MS907 (except that the wind screen is gone). Are you sure it's not a problem with either the settings or the sound card of your computer?