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Pleeeease bring back the MDR-ED21LP earphones


Pleeeease bring back the MDR-ED21LP earphones

This is pleading post to anyone who can make a difference......


I've been using the amazing Sony MDR-ED21LP earphones as in-ear monitors for over 10 years and my last pair has just died. 


I have tried countless other types/makes and nothing under about £300 comes close to the sound quality and the wearing comfort I am a musician and singer, and although some earbud types sound OK, they are awful for singing; because they are completely sealed it's like singing with your fingers in your ears.


If anyone knows of anywhere to get some of these earphones I would be eternally grateful.


Yours in desperation,

Andy :cry:

Not applicable

Hello all


There seems quite an interest for the headphones to come back.  So I have forward this thread and your reasonings to a department within Sony called "Voice of the Customer".  If there is enough demand, you never know...



This is amazing. Thank you so much!!! Please let them listen and make them come back!


Signed up to add to the call for these headphones to come back, last pair were taken from my desk in work, those were 2 years old... I think people like them!


Hi, please bring these headphones back, I used mine everyday for several years until this past weekend (15/01/17) where my wife brutally destroyed them with the vacuum's not just the sound it's the ergonomics that I will miss too! 


NB to all, I set up an eBay alert for these headphones and am listening using a reconditioned pair from China which are great and cost $8! So worth keeping an eye out.

Not all of the Sony in ear headphones has the same brilliant sound quality as the MDR-ED12LP or MDR-ED21LP. I once purchased the MDREX50LPD when my other headphones were discontinued as it was advertised as the new version with a deep bass but I found the sound tinny and nowhere near as good as the MDR-ED12LP or MDR-ED21LP.

My last pair of MDR-ED12LP has bust and I am at a loss of what to replace them with. I would welcome any suggestions!


Is anyone at Sony listening to us? We need these headphones back :slight_smile:

Hi Matt


Sony are very interested in feedback from customers, especially regarding demand for their own products! It's very difficult to know exactly how this will pan out, but rest assured the product development team will be looking at options which may well include reviving an older product line such as this. 


Equally, it could be that there's a new product very similar to MD21LP headphones is in the pipelines. I'm afraid we'll just have to wait and see! :pray:


Best wishes


I just wanted to add my voice to those asking for the return of these fantastic earphones.

These were literally the only earphones that ever felt comfortable to me, and the sound quality was amazing.

Ever since they were discontinued, I haven't been able to find anything anywhere near as good. 😞 Every other type of earphones I try  just fall out or are too tinny or just aren't loud enough.


I would happily pay double the old price if Sony were to bring them back, because these earphones were just incredibly good.

Please, please, PLEEEAAASSEE! Bring them back!

@Mick_D Thanks, man... Would be too good to be true if Sony would finally listen to us. *prayers* . Never missed any product more than those headphones, they literally improved quality of life. Nothing ever sounded so good and fitted so well in my ears. Likewise, I would be ready to pay the double or tripple price if they only were available again in the same quality and same design. Please keep us updated on the proceedings.