Sony ICF-C600 not powering on


Sony ICF-C600 not powering on



I have an old ICF-C600 Dream Machine Radio/Cassette player. Initially I noticed that the LED clock display would start flashing as if the power reset, but the device no longer powers on.


There are 3 circuit boards when I opened up the device:


  • Power supply board with transformer - I have checked the secondary side with a multimeter and there is a voltage passing through the various components to the point where a connection is made via ribbon cable to the next board.

Power supply board and tape playerPower supply board and tape player

  • The second board has a Sanyo LM8364 IC on it. I've checked the resistors, diodes, capacitors and transistors on the board. Not sure about the transistors but there seems to be a voltage going through them when power is supplied to the board.

Main circuit board top viewMain circuit board top view














Main circuit board (rear side)Main circuit board (rear side)
















The third board is for the AM/FM radio and tape deck. I don't think anything on there is the cause as the LED display does not light up even when the third board is disconnected.

Tape/radio circuit boardTape/radio circuit board
















I accidentally shorted two of the terminals between the clock and radio circuits at one point, which caused the ': 'on the LED display to come on and the radio to operate.


I would appreciate any advice on how to test the IC and anything else to test on the second board. I've tried to search for schematics for the Sanyo chip and if there are any schematics in a service manual.


Thanks in advance,

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Hi there,


Maybe a community member can help with this.


Best wishes,