Sony MP3 Player NWZ E474


Sony MP3 Player NWZ E474

I have lots of Songs on Windows Media Player I bring them up and click on Creatate Playlist a couple of days ago it worked I Click and drag the songs to the right hand Pane.Put the song in a certain order that I want them on my MP3 I Sync them onto my MP3 Player  I look in Playlists and there is no Songs in Playlist it  says no playlists available  please connect to compliant software  or device and transfer playlists. Please could you look into this for me.


Many Thanks.



David  Swift.


Hi Dave1961,

Just to be sure you are doing everything correctly I found a guide that may help you to syncronise your playlists How To Synchronise Playlist To The Walkman?


Does this help?

Hi Dave1961   :slight_smile:

Be careful! It’s not possible playback everything. Read all notes on “Help Guide”:

Sony eSupport - NWZ-E474 - iManual


Notes like:   :thinking:

- “Some WMV files can be played back only by transferring using Windows Media Player”

- “…can play back songs/videos/photos on the 1st to 8th level of each folder, and can play back podcast episodes on the 2nd level of the [PODCASTS] folder…

- Do not rename or delete default folders, such as [MUSIC], [MP_ROOT], [MPE_ROOT], [VIDEO], [DCIM], [PICTURE], [PICTURES], [PODCASTS], [RECORD] and [VOICE]. Default folder names...

- Do not change folder or file names directly under the [MP_ROOT] or [MPE_ROOT] folders. Otherwise, they will not be displayed on your Walkman.

- Some files may not be played back on your Walkman due to copyright protection.


And many others…  :wink:

Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)