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I have had my mdr1000x for around a week now and I have noticed when I play music or anything really, I get a slight static sound especially when I play things like classical music. I have tried to turn off devices around me like radios and computers but I still get the sound and it's even more pronounced when I use the wire is there a solution?
I have the same phones and this "noise" is caused by the noise cancelling function.
This cannot be avoided since there's always some noise around you that needs to be cancelled.
Try to switch off the noise cancellig - usually the static sound should disapear then.
Does that mean that this sound is normal? I use the headphones at work, and I find it quite distracting considering I am using the headphones to cancel the noise
On my 1000x the static sound was higher then normal but I reset the headphones and the issue was resolved, it may have been the noise cancelling optimisation on my headphones